SHOOP! (??)
lily_268 tagged me so, prepare for the pimpage!
WRITER'S MEME: Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of the top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
Ice Cream (Angel, Fred/Cordy PG) - I don't know why I like this so much. Writing for Fred fills me with so much happiness because you can make her super dark or super funny and it's still completely in character. I also think that this is the only time that I've ever written Cordelia, so that makes it a little special to me.
Out Loud (Brokeback Mountain, Ennis/Jack PG) - I wrote this without really thinking that it was about Brokeback, and it doesn't mention details enough that you would know what it is, but I still really like it because I think the idea of loving someone and not telling them is really resonant of a lot of people's actual lives.
Five Times Ryan Almost Fell For Pam (The Office, Pam/Ryan M) - This didn't get too good a reception but I love that Pam makes Ryan feel all soft inside and that's he's not such a douche (like Kat thinks he is). And also? Number 4 is pretty much REALLY hot.
And When I Feel Without I Want To Get You In (The Office, Jim/Pam/Karen Jim/Karen MA) - This basically wrote itself, and it was SUPER hard to write! I really am proud of myself for finishing it, not only in a style that I don't usually do, but that I was actually proud of it when it was done. And, really wasn't necessary, but I was awesomely glad that people liked it.
Car Troubles, Pt. I &
Car Troubles, Pt. II (The Office, Pam/Karen M & MA) - This was the coup-de-grace of my Pam/Karen fic. And one of the last ones that I've written where I think I really got the voices down. I try to read over my stuff and see it in my head and if it's hard to see, I consider it a mini-failure, but this kind of jumped out at me as being super realistic and I am WAY WAY proud of these pieces over all my other fic.
Everyone on my flist has either already done this meme or doesn't write fic. OH! I KNOW!
wordsaremyfaith! I TAG YOU!!!!