Fic: Three's a Crowd... isn't it? J/S/L, NC-17

Jan 26, 2011 09:46

Hi all, so here's the link to my fic and the accompanying art, found on my LJ. I hope you enjoy it. Laura.

Title: Three’s a Crowd… isn’t it? 1/4
Author: Laura_trekkie
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 25,094
Pairing: John/Lestrade -> John/Lestrade/Sherlock
Warnings: Threesome sex, including DP. Slight re-write of the swimming pool scene- does that need a warning?
Spoilers: Do we still need spoilers for the first three eps? If so, there is mention of characters seen in those episodes and I kept a lot of the swimming pool scene from 1x03 The Great Game.
Summary: Sherlock watches as John and Lestrade go from friendship to much more, but a run in with Moriarty makes him face his own feelings for his two friends.

"Interesting," Sherlock declared, completing his perusal of the latest murder victim.

"What is?" John asked as he stood beside Lestrade, casting a glance around the non-descript back alley they were standing in. He’d made his own observations, of course- he’d picked up a few of Sherlock’s tricks in the few months they’d been sharing a flat.

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