Update - summary claims and more

Oct 16, 2012 19:18

Hello particpants.

By now all artists should have received rough drafts (two for those who have claimed two fics). If you haven't please let me know as soon as possible.

I also hope all artists have made contact with their writers. Just drop them a PM or an e-mail, the contact details were all int he e-mail I sent witht he rough draft. The stories may have developed from the rough drafts and I'm sure it would be useful. It's also fun for the writers to get to know the artists. Share ideas, tlak about the fic and have fun.

If anyone is having any issues of ny sort please do let me know.

And there are still many fics that can have a second art claim over at the round two claim post: http://sherlockbigbang.livejournal.com/24009.html
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