2011 Sherlocckbbc_fic Challenge!

Mar 20, 2011 16:08

Contest Rules....

Okay, so after much consideration and lots of helpful input from everyone, I've got this thing all worked out.

The Challenge will begin tomorrow sometime after I've woken up. I'm sorry I can't give specific times, as I have no idea what time zone everyone lives in. ^.^0 It will last for a full seven days.

Anon posting is encouraged, but it is optional. If you'd like to post under your username, that's up to you. Anyone who would like an anon code so I can keep track of who's posting anonymously, please PM marill_chan  and I will get right back to you. If you post anonymously, you must use an anon code, otherwise you will not be eligible for prizes.

Instead of having weekly challenges for each part of the meme, we're going to have one big challenge. Fills can come from any of the first five parts of the meme. Entries will not be considered if they are a continuation of works in progress which were started before the contest begins. They must be new fills posted during the contest time.

The challenge will last for one week. Voting will last for one week, starting after the contest closes.

Only the first place winners in each category will be announced. Voting will be screened and I will not post the results, other than to notify the first place winners. If you post in anon, you have the option of de-anoning after the contest if you like. If you want it announced, just let me know.

There will be six categories. Fills can come from any of the first five parts in any category.

Category 1: AU/Fantasy: If it doesn't take place in Modern London, if it has to do with an alternate timeline, if the boys have been turned into gerbils, anything along those lines.

Category 2: Rarepair: Any pairing that is not Sherlock/John, or Mystrade will be accepted for this cateogry.

Category 3: Art: Drawings, paintings, comics, music videos, anything in that vein

Category 4: Crack/humour: If you want to write us something off-the-wall or absolutely hilarious, please do.

Category 5: Genfic/Het: Anything with non-pairings, or with Het pairings

Category 6: Catchall: Anything not going in the first 5 categories that you simply have to get out of you and into the contest will be welcome in this category. I do reserve the right to move it to one of the other categories if I feel that it fits in one.

Each entry can only be submitted once. No submitting the same entry in multiple categories. You must choose only one.


First place winners in each categories will have a choice of three prizes. You can choose:

1. Bragging rights

2. Brownie Points

3. Virtual hugs

If you've got questions, leave them here, or send me a PM. Everyone enjoy! If you don't wish to participate, I hope that you will just enjoy the fills and get inspiration for new prompts.

Peace, Bunnies.

Edit: Moriarty/Moran will be accepted in the Rarepair category. I'm sorry, don't hate me! XD
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