Overflow Post II

Feb 10, 2013 18:51

This post is for responding to prompts from prompt posts that are full, or continuing WIPs that were started on prompt posts that have since filled up or are close to full.

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prompting: overflow, prompt posts

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Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous February 18 2013, 02:16:13 UTC
“The knife,” Sherlock demands as Moriarty straightens his jacket.

“Oh, Sherlock,” Moriarty laughs as he looks up at him, “Did you really think I was going to give you a knife, after that, while I was in the room? Don’t be an idiot,” he draws the word out.

John can feel Sherlock’s leg spasm before he responds, “You’re not going to leave us here.”

“No. I’d like to see if you could get away given enough time, but no.” John dreads whatever Moriarty’s grin indicates. “I’m going to call your policemen friends and let them find you like this.”

“Won’t that be funny?” Moriarty asks as Sherlock pulls at the ropes in some sort of tantrum. Sherlock’s movements pull on John, straining him and spreading him open until he lifts their bound wrists up and slams them back into the bed just to make Sherlock think about what he’s doing.

“Before I kill you,” Sherlock says as he stills, “I am going to make you regret this.”

Moriarty sighs into a smile, staring at them with dark eyes. “Oh, God, I hope so.”

He turns and walks back behind John, who can only hear him leave.

At the closing of the door John lets himself collapse.

His arse isn’t the only thing that’s on fire, and his pride isn’t the only thing that’s been irrevocably damaged.

He can hear Sherlock’s frantic repetition of his name, but beyond a muffled “It’s fine,” he can’t be bothered to reply.

Sherlock was right about one thing, at least. John’s no longer being poked by engorged flesh, so that’s nice. He can’t be bothered to move off the limp flesh, but he has no shame anymore, and if Sherlock does then that’s just too bad.

There is actually, despite everything, or possibly because of it, a calming effect from Sherlock’s worry.

John lets Sherlock’s concern wash over him. He doesn’t pay attention to the words - probably more pleas for forgiveness that he really can’t care about right now - but the tone soothes him. The familiarity of the voice soothes him.

They smell like panic, and sex, and faintly, terribly, like Moriarty, but he buries his nose against Sherlock’s neck and even if he perhaps shouldn’t be able to stand the man right now, the smell of him calms him.

He’s not fine. It’s not fine. But he got through it. He’s going to get through what’s to come. They’re going to get through it. Because there is going to be a they. Because he can’t deal with any other option. He can’t let Moriarty take that from him too. He can’t let Sherlock take it from him, or take it from himself.

They are going to deal with this, together, because that is what people in their position do. They are going to live with it, and they are going to continue as they were, even if only on the surface. They are going to be fine; John will not accept any other outcome. And they are, John would be willing to swear on anything, going to get Moriarty.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 shadowfireflame February 18 2013, 03:31:56 UTC
Oh my God, that was sick and disturbing and so well done, with such a great take on John's perspective--how he feels slightly betrayed when Sherlock inadvertently gets a bit hard and how he feels better when Sherlock has real tears in his eyes. John's amazingly tough. Really believable characterizations all around. I really hope they are able to get through this intact, even though it will be hard.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous February 18 2013, 17:03:19 UTC
Thank you very, very much. ♥ I like to believe they’d be able to work it out too; I think they’d have the perseverance.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous February 21 2013, 02:14:29 UTC
Thank you! I do hope to have it up somewhere else eventually, so I’m glad to hear that that would be wanted, though for the moment I’m enjoying the cover of anonymity.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonbach February 23 2013, 22:31:49 UTC
I love how raw, horrifying, and utterly unflinching this is while still managing to be heartbreaking.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous February 27 2013, 18:07:43 UTC
Thank you! ♥


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 teaandsolitude March 17 2013, 23:42:15 UTC
Oh my. I really loved your ending.

I really liked the line "because there is going to be a they"


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous April 1 2013, 00:16:14 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm really pleased to hear that you liked it.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous May 7 2013, 01:19:41 UTC
Wow, that was awesome. Very good.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous June 1 2013, 01:31:16 UTC
Thank you!


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 tallulah_gosh May 8 2013, 00:02:26 UTC
Oh my GOD, that is one of the hardest, scariest, most awful of such scenes I've read. Ugh, I felt so awful for BOTH of them. Very well done.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous June 1 2013, 01:31:49 UTC
Thank you very much!


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 shiverelectric June 15 2013, 06:08:34 UTC
holy /fuck/, this was, this was fucking brutal and amazing and i am in awful awe. fucking shit.


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous September 12 2013, 20:26:30 UTC
Thank you!


Re: Bound (Warning: non-con) 12/12 anonymous June 23 2013, 18:47:13 UTC
HOLY CRAP that was intense and incredible and even more than I had hoped for when I read the prompt.

I was hoping you'd have Sherlock become inadvertently aroused by a naked John rubbing against him when I realized the position they'd be in, that was perfectly handled. (And there we have a new #1 for most disturbing sentence I've ever written)

Also I really like how you ended on just the right note--a horrible thing happened, everything is definitely not OK, but John is determined to not to let it end his friendship with Sherlock. I hope this conveys how excellent the whole thing is. All the accolades!


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