By popular demand, here is the Friending Meme! Tell us more about yourself, meet new people, and make some friends. Just copy the content of the box below, fill out as much as you want, and post it as a new comment. Then, browse other people's answers and bask in the awesomeness of the people here.
One rule: Be friendly!
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Age: 20
Location: Ontario, Canada
How you got into Sherlock: Heard about it from a friend of a friend and decided to download series 1 a few weeks after it aired.
Other adaptations you enjoy: Granada and Russian Holmes are my other favourites but I hold a special spot in my heart for the Great Mouse Detective <3
Favourite Sherlock character(s)/pairing(s): John, Sherlock, Molly, Mycroft, actually I should just say ALL THE CHARACTERS. Sherlock/John, Mystrade, Irene/Molly, John/Mary, Moriarty/Moran, Sherlock/John/Mycroft, Sherlock/John/Lestrade (sup OT3's)
A prompt you'd like to see filled: most crossover fics, I'd especially love to see a Kingdom Hearts one (just because I've been listening to the soundtracks all week)
Favourite episode and why: A study in Pink because I love watching adaptions on how John and Sherlock actually met
Things you enjoy in fics: I'm a HUGE lover of crossovers and AU's. I'm also fond of character studies and of dysfunctional character backgrounds. Oh and I got a weakest for reading WIP's ( ... )
/floats on by
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Ontarioperson sounds much better than Ontarian's or whatever it's actually suppose to be! XD
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