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I kind of agree with the above comment, but not because "if it happens outside of the US it doesn't fucking matter anyway." I have read profic recently, set in the US but with British spellings throughout, British slang, the whole works. And it WAS jarring to me, definitely. It took longer to get into the story, and I got snapped back out every once in a while because of it. But...I think the author has every right to spell things they want to spell them, use the phrases they want to use.
I don't blame readers who get angry about it, whether it's Americanisms in UK-set fic or the other way around, but I guess I just feel like it's the author's story and if they don't care about getting it right, especially when it's fanfic and supposed to be fun, that's their prerogative. If the story is otherwise good, I'll stick with it. If not, I'll move on.
Hee! You must be new.
Personally, i hate that post-modern 'there's no right way' attitude. There are good ways of doing things and they're good for a reason - in this case the reasons are readibility, faithfulness to and respect for the source material and authenticity. There is no point in using the source material in any way, other than a properly labelled AU, unless you respect it. Having Sherlock use dollars, say 'a couple things' or refuse to go to hospital because he doesn't have the money is just insulting to the reader and programme.
BAHAHAHA. Excuse me, I'm too busy reading my double-penetration vampire wingfic omegaverse to listen to you drone on about authenticity and respecting the source material. Did you actually have to find a lemon to suck on to enable you to type that?
Fun: look it up.
I see your point, but if Britpicking isn't your thing, why not write an AU set in the US? People talked about the latter (even before there was word about Elementary), but I never actually saw anyone try.
At least with double-penetration vampire wingfic omegaverse it's labelled and you know what you're getting.
You sound like a bad, lazy writer.
And you sound like a dull, pedantic loser. With bad breath.
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