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rare pair anonymous November 23 2011, 00:39:58 UTC

He sweeps her off her feet.

Sherlock sucks it up to keep getting free food.


Re: rare pair anonymous November 23 2011, 05:02:05 UTC
This is killing me with cuteness. Never knew I wanted it until this very moment, but pretty please, someone fill this!


Re: rare pair anonymous November 23 2011, 11:10:47 UTC

He sweeps her off her feet



Re: rare pair anonymous November 29 2011, 19:23:59 UTC
Um. okay.

I read this, then went off to take my shower, and godsdamnit if it didn't start writing itself in my head in the shower. I have a lot to do today, but I'll try to get on it as soon as possible, kay?


Re: rare pair threebooks3 December 3 2011, 05:11:28 UTC


Re: rare pair anonymous December 9 2011, 02:02:42 UTC
oooo the seem like a cuddly sort of couple


Sympathy Spaghetti (1/?) sursum_ursa December 23 2011, 15:51:49 UTC
It's January. It's really, really cold. There is snow, there is ice, and the world outside the window of Angelo's is practically bereft of people. (For that matter, he only has four customers ( ... )


Re: Sympathy Spaghetti (1/?) mismatched37 December 24 2011, 09:48:28 UTC
aw, i just want to hug this fic! i know this is just a small bit, but i really like that you added angelo's niece to staff.


Sympathy Spaghetti (2/?) sursum_ursa December 28 2011, 11:49:55 UTC
While 'Come back any time' is generally considered a polite if somewhat imprecise way of extending hospitality, Angelo has been around women long enough to know when they're...skittish.

A bit like horses.

Not that he knows a lot about horses.

Regardless, he spends the next two weeks noticeably tenser than usual. Even, as his niece comments, a little...snappish.

To the point that, when Sherlock comes in to stake out something 'dull' ("Dull but lucrative!" John amends) across the street, he spends a whole five seconds just looking at Angelo, trying to work out the difference ( ... )


Re: Sympathy Spaghetti (2/?) anonymous December 28 2011, 11:52:29 UTC
Awww! I love this! :)


Sympathy Spaghetti Part 3/3 sursum_ursa January 6 2012, 09:46:42 UTC
A/N: It's been a long time coming, but it's here!

Part 3

Angelo is a man of fairly simple tastes. He likes large plates of pasta, anything with a tomato-based sauce, beer, football, beautiful women...and ice skating.

Several people have commented adversely on this interest in the past.

All have lived to regret it. (As did the man who scoffed at his niece's desire to be an astrophysicist, but that's another story.)

Skating, Angelo has found, concentrates the mind wonderfully. Especially for beginners, and people with no innate sense of balance. Molly Hooper he pegs as a beginner from the look she gives him when they arrive at their destination. It's Friday evening. It's chilly inside the rink, and there's loud pop music playing and disco lights flashing in a frankly demented fashion.

But that's all right.

After all, unless you want to shout yourself hoarse, you have to speak directly into the ear of anyone you're trying to hold a conversation with ( ... )


Re: Sympathy Spaghetti Part 3/3 thesmallhobbit January 6 2012, 17:32:30 UTC
This is lovely. And Molly has found someone who can stick up for her in a way that actually has an effect on Sherlock!


Re: Sympathy Spaghetti Part 3/3 sursum_ursa January 6 2012, 21:20:46 UTC

Though Angelo theatening lack of food/favours = fairly minor inconvenience (though being punched in the face would be tiresome), JOHN being upset by lack of free food = asdfghjklApologise!



Re: Sympathy Spaghetti Part 3/3 anonymous January 8 2012, 13:22:31 UTC
Dawww, simply so cute <3 I hope that they make this cannon in some way (it's going in my head cannon now at least ;))


Re: Sympathy Spaghetti Part 3/3 sursum_ursa January 8 2012, 17:53:03 UTC


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