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Fill: Time In Lieu Of Part 2/? squidwhisk November 10 2010, 23:21:50 UTC
John poked at his biscuit and tea. Ever since he had started living with Sherlock food had gone from "Very interesting and lovely to indulge in" to "Dear God that is NOT a carrot so why is it in with the carrots?!!" He had foregone eating entirely. It had been a month and Sherlock had not even noticed.

"Thinking of outsource Harry's job to Sherlock."

"I suppose he never learned to avoid mixing raw meats with vegetables? Good boy! I hate modern infection control procedures." She said 'infection control' like a swear word.

"And you should see how the boy eats!" Harry's bell-like laughter filled the room as surely as the smell of her sweet perfume. "He lives off packets of sugar. Like a fruit fly. He’s kinda my hero." She leaned over John's chair to give him a kiss on the cheek before sinking into the seat reserved for her at Anthea's side. She plucked a glass of red wine off the table.

Harry looked like every single cover of every single fashion magazine in the country. Possibly because she -was- on the cover of all of them. She swept her strawberry blond hair away from her face and shrugged bony shoulders. The whole concentration-camp-survivor look somehow managed to work for her. Being below a weight that could sustain life certainly wasn't affecting her incredibly well publicized and obscenely well-documented modelling career. While lacking Anthea's brutal grace and efficiency she did manage to keep up her numbers without resorting to anything too obvious. Sherlock had not put together that “Harriet Watson” was THAT “Harriet Watson.”

And speaking of the obvious. Sebastian shifted in his seat. "Oh piss off." he mumbled. Anthea and Harry tittered at his discomfort. John shuffled his papers again. He signed. He really did not want to relive the pool incident but there really was no choice. Their interactions while necessary for some operations should (as much as possible) not include others, especially as their close presence to one another had a tendency to tip normal humans off.

Thank God Sherlock was none of that.

Seb sighed heavily.

"Seb, your project kidnapped me. Strapped me to a bomb and nearly killed me. Do you realize how messy things could have gotten if he succeeded?" Anthea shuddered. John getting shot had been unpleasant for all of them.

"But he didn't." Seb rolled his eyes and sipped at his coffee. “And in the future, I will make sure he won’t come near you. It was an oversight.”

"Anthea had to intervene."

"Again, thank you for that." Sebastian smiled winningly at Anthea. "If you need help with your little venture out east you just let me know and I'll do everything in my power to help. It really is the least I can do, by the way."

"Oh, don’t worry yourself. “ Anthea pretended coquettish very well “The venture is well in hand. Also, the fruit basket was really too much, you really shouldn't have." Anthea took a cryptic sip of her tea, eyeing Seb over her teacup. Seb grinned in response. If they were in cahoots there would be blood, and it would be their blood. John would make sure of it.

Harry scowled "No, Seb, you misunderstand. You -really- shouldn't have. I've been working on Mycroft for the past three years as a favour to Anthea and you COMPLTELY undid at least two months of my work. Really Seb, If I didn't know better I would think you are trying to introduce discord into our happy little family."

"She is quite right Seb.” Anthea intoned in a dry tone, her cute flirty manner drained away in the blink of an eye. “I am always happy to help. But all this trouble over one man? He may be a criminal mastermind but he is an artisan. His numbers are too low.”

Ah, so the secret little smile now meant that the Terrible Two were in cahoots and Seb was about to be stabbed with his own sharp little grin. John sighed. They really did not need another falling out; the last time the left hand did not know what the right hand was doing they ha accidentally ensured the development of Penicillin.


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