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anonymous October 7 2010, 00:14:30 UTC
Some where on part 3, there was a prompt for 'five live John and Sherlock never lived and one they wouldn't trade for anything.' or something like that.

I want an extended version of their third life which was a Stardust crossover.
So Secret royalty!Sherlock/Star!John.


Author of that fic anonymous October 7 2010, 07:48:33 UTC


I'm not sure I can do it myself, but I'd love to see other people's takes on that 'verse.


Re: Author of that fic anonymous October 7 2010, 10:38:37 UTC
You! *hugs*

You are one of OP's top five favorites on here. Though which number is hard to tell with all us anons floating about.


Author of that fic again anonymous October 8 2010, 14:26:35 UTC
Hmm... this is a bizarre turn of events, OP, but I feel like a should inform you.

I have just written a rather lengthy first chapter of this fusion, but I doubt I'm ever going to be able to finish it. I have about a dozen things that need writing and I have no idea where it's actually going. It will probably languish on my hard drive forever.

And John's not even in it yet.

But... on the other hand, I do have about 3k words of fic. So I thought I'd leave it up to you. Would you prefer to leave it, as unfinished fic is highly annoying (really annoying - which is why I try to always finish fic before posting) or would you prefer me to post what I've got in spite of it most likely never being complete.

Entirely up to you.


Re: Author of that fic again anonymous October 8 2010, 14:47:10 UTC
ALSO - It's a strange combination of book-verse and film-verse and neither of them (because I always think fusions work better when you shake things up a bit to accommodate the new characters).


Re: Author of that fic again chibibble October 8 2010, 17:19:39 UTC


Re: Author of that fic again anonymous October 11 2010, 11:09:51 UTC
Posted it as a reply to the prompt. Sorry that there isn't any more... well, if you like it, that is. If you don't then that's a bit pointless.

It is possible to babble when typing, who knew?


OP of this Prompt anonymous October 9 2010, 06:41:52 UTC
Gah, decisions, decisions! Incomplete stories are saddening and frustrating, but I'm so addicted to the idea of this. *flails* Just do whatever author anon or you could just post for the sake of chibibble above, because I fail at deciding.


Re: Author of that fic xtinethepirate October 8 2010, 00:53:44 UTC
psst, author!anon. Is there a link to be had to your fic? Because I missed it and it sounds AWESOME.


Re: Author of that fic anonymous October 8 2010, 08:00:35 UTC

There you go. It's really just an excuse for crossover flashfic.


Re: Author of that fic xtinethepirate October 9 2010, 21:42:58 UTC
Any excuse for crossover fic is a good excuse, imho. :D


OP of original prompt... anonymous October 8 2010, 14:39:44 UTC
...who completely forgot that they asked for it has just read said fic and left feedback because MY GOD IT WAS PERFECT. This OP loves you FOREVER.


Re: OP of original prompt... anonymous October 8 2010, 14:57:13 UTC

Author-anon is now happily bouncing off the walls. ^_^ Thank you so much for writing so much. Feedback is love and feedback like that just makes my day. Thank you for the prompt as well, it gave me a chance to indulge myself.


I wish I could reply as well as you commented, but I am rubbish at writing anything that isn't fictional so I'll just have to say thank you again and leave it at that.

Thank you.


Chapter 1 (1/?) anonymous October 11 2010, 10:55:19 UTC
IMPORTANT There is a 99.9% chance that this will not go any further than chapter 1, but I thought I'd post what I had and hope that someone else had inspiration and time enough to do the whole thing. So if you don't like permanent WIPs then I suggest moving on.

Based on the books and the film, because I love both and can't pick between them.

Chapter 1

The Holmes Family

A philosopher once asked ‘are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze them because we are human?’ Pointless really.

Sherlock Holmes has never seen the point in gazing at the stars. They are distant and far away and they have no influence on what happens on earth, despite what the horoscopes in the paper would have you believe.

On the day this tale begins, Sherlock Holmes’ horoscope reads like this:

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) Today is the day to step up to the plate. Accept challenges as they could lead to true happiness later on.Of course, on the day this tale begins, Sherlock Holmes hadn’t been born yet, so it just goes to show that horoscopes are a ( ... )


Chapter 1 (2/?) anonymous October 11 2010, 11:01:00 UTC
On the day Sherlock’s own part of this tale begins, his horoscope looks like this:

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) The world might seem to be against you today, but don’t let it get you down. Don’t be moved by pride or you might fall into something you can’t get out of.

Which goes to show that sometimes horoscopes get things right, but then, statistically, they have to.

It also shows that the people who write horoscopes are timid and unadventurous. If Sherlock had followed the advice of his horoscope, you would not be reading this story because there wouldn’t be a story to read. Sherlock Holmes would have gone on to be a brilliant but bloody-minded man, much like his father, and lived a life of such banality that no one in the village would have remembered him two years after his death.

If he knew this, Sherlock Holmes would be very grateful that he was not the sort of person to listen to horoscopes. Not because he wanted to be famous, but because he would hate to be dull ( ... )


Chapter 1 (3/?) anonymous October 11 2010, 11:02:33 UTC
The Star and How it FellA long way from the village of Wall, where Sherlock and his long seventeen year old limbs live - in another world entirely, in fact - James Moriarty has been trying to seize the throne of Stormhold for most of his life. When he was a toddler he threw a stone at the crown Prince’s head. This is his mother’s favourite story ( ... )


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