Wrong Number - 3b
May 17 2012, 21:32:10 UTC
April 13th (11:21) Are you still sulking?
(11:22) Sherlock.
(11:23) Sherlock.
(11:24) Sherlock!
(11:27) Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock
(11:29) Sherlock?
(11:30) Hey, Sherlock!
(11:31) I don't know what you're hoping to achieve by turning my jacket into a vibrating device. SH
(11:32) This. Exactly this.
(11:32) I don't have time for this. SH
(11:34) Yes you do. You answered far too quickly, so you don't have a case.
(11:40) That was some serious deduction. At the very least you should acknowledge it to encourage the good behaviour.
(11:40) What are you, a dog? SH
(11:46) Does brainstorming with someone else really help when you’re on a case?
(11:49) Doing it with you would have been my first experience with a person. It does help when I do it with the skull, so I was expecting positive results. SH
(11:51) You talk to a skull?! No, don’t answer that, never mind.
(11:57) Here's what I suggest. Next time, tell me if you think you could use my help. I'm not promising anything, but if I can, I'll try to make myself available.
(11:59) I wouldn't want to impose. SH
(12:04) Don't be a berk. You're a shit detective if you can't tell I'm fascinated by your cases. I would love to help, even if it's just by being your sounding board.
(12:05) Sounds good?
(12:07) Acceptable. SH
(12:09) Great. I’m at work now, and no matter how long I stare at my paperwork, it won’t fill itself. So, I’m off. Text me later, ok?
April 16th (18:06) Case. SH
(18:12) Does that mean you’d like my help with something?
(18:13) If you’re available. SH
(18:14) When?
(18:14) Now! SH
(18:17) Bit short notice and I'm not home. Hold on, I'll see what I can do.
(18:22) Fine. I can talk. What's the case?
(18:27) Are you familiar with the Tilly Briggs Pleasure Cruises? SH
(18:29) I’ve seen the ads, but it’s not something I could ever afford, so I didn’t pay it much attention.
(18:31) It’s a boat renting company. They have a small fleet that people can rent when they want to take a small cruise on the Thames. SH
(18:34) Three days ago, one of their boats was found abandoned close to Kew. SH
(18:35) There was a couple plus the captain on board when the boat left, and no one was found. All the safety devices were still on the boat. No one has seen any of them since they got on that boat. SH
(18:37) Apparently the couple wanted to have a romantic dinner, but the food was untouched on the table when the boat was found. SH
(18:41) God, that’s weird. Any sign of violence?
(18:41) None whatsoever. SH
(18:42) I want all the hypotheses that cross your mind. Even those you think are silly. Perhaps it will trigger something in me. SH
(18:47) Kidnapping. Alien invasion. Pirates.
(18:47) Really, John? Aliens before pirates? Pirates was the first thing that crossed my mind. SH
(18:49) Shut up, I’m thinking!
(18:53) A suicidal pact? They rent a boat and they jump off together?
(18:53) Why go through all the trouble of serving dinner? Unlikely. SH
(19:11) Has the boat been inspected? Could there be a defect that would have prompted them to abandon ship?
(19:12) Yes. No. SH
(19:19) Honestly Sherlock, I have no idea. Maybe the answer is not in the boat itself, but in the passengers? Did they have any reasons to disappear?
(19:21) Maybe. The police is looking into their backgrounds as we speak. I’ll get their files when they’re done with it. SH
(19:22) Yes, I know what you’re about to say: It’s an enormous waste of time, and things would proceed faster if you were allowed to look at the files right away. SH
Wrong Number - 3c
May 17 2012, 21:34:10 UTC
(19:31) Where are you? SH
(19:33) My girlfriend’s flat. We’re planning a trip to New Zealand.
(19:35) Oh. You didn’t have to help if you didn’t want to. SH
(19:37) It’s fine, I really wanted to.
(19:38) Have you ever been to New Zealand?
(19:39) Never. SH
(19:41) Are you a 15-year-old kid?
(19:41) Have you seen how kids spell nowadays? Surely you can’t think I’m one of them. SH
(19:43) Kids nowadays? Forget what I said, you’re 97.
(19:44) Your girlfriend. SH
(19:45) What about her?
(19:46) You told her you were texting someone about a case. She thinks it’s a prank. SH
(19:47) You’re right. Of course you’re right.
(19:50) Do you think I’m pranking you? SH
(19:53) If you are, it’s one of the most elaborate pranks I’ve ever seen.
(19:54) You didn’t answer my question. SH
(19:57) No, I don’t think it’s a prank. But she said you could be anyone or could have bad intentions.
(19:58) And now you can’t stop thinking about it. SH
(20:00) Maybe you’re the prankster with bad intentions. SH
(20:03) I’m not. I’m also older than 15 and far younger than 97.
(20:04) If it can reassure you: it’s the same for me. You can tell that to your girlfriend. SH
(20:06) Just got the passengers’ files. SH
(20:08) Great! Tell me if there’s anything I can do.
(20:13) You should consider checking out Tunnel Beach. I hear it’s interesting. SH
(20:16) You said you’ve never been there.
(22:11) Did some research. SH
(22:16) I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.
April 17th (04:03) I need your inferior mind. SH
(04:05) Jesus Christ, my inferior mind and I are asleep.
(04:05) You can’t be asleep, it’s only… Oh. SH
(04:06) I’m sorry John, I’ve been focusing on the case for so long that I lost track of time. SH
(04:10) Apology accepted. Next time you need someone’s help, try not waking them up in the process and don’t refer to their minds as inferior.
(04:11) Don’t be insulted. Your mind is inferior compared to mine, but it’s far superior to some people’s. SH
(04:11) I think I might be on the right track to solving the case, but I need to know how a normal person thinks. SH
(04:13) Fine, I’m awake anyway. But there’s no way I’m doing this without tea, so don’t start bombarding me if I don’t answer fast enough for you.
(04:13) I’ll try to refrain myself. SH
(04:13) But hurry up. SH
(04:20) Alright, I’m ready.
(04:20) You’re a millionaire. You’re not famous enough to interest the media, but you have enough power and influence to go to bed every night feeling pretty pleased about yourself. Can you see it? SH
(04:21) I can. It’s a lot nicer than the dream I was having when you woke me up.
(04:21) You have a wife, an obedient dog. You also have regular homosexual intercourse with rent boys. SH
(04:22) Sounds like my regular Saturday evenings.
(04:22) John… SH
(04:23) Sorry, couldn’t resist. Go ahead.
(04:23) You have masochist tendencies that your wife refuses to indulge, so you often get a bit rough with the rent boys. Not always consensually. SH
(04:24) I’m not a very good man.
(04:24) No you’re not. SH
(04:25) One night, things go too far. Maybe you’re angry, maybe it’s too much enthusiasm, maybe the boy made you angry. Either way, you kill him. SH
(04:26) You know that your life will be ruined if the story comes out, so you do what movies have thought you to do: you make it seem like it was a suicide, you wipe all traces of your presence in the room, and you go looking for a solid alibi. SH
Wrong Number - 3d
May 17 2012, 21:35:40 UTC
(04:27) I suppose I don't get caught?
(04:27) You don't. But that’s unfortunately not much of a surprise. Whenever a junkie, prostitute, or homeless person dies, it always gets blamed on drugs. SH
(04:28) In this case, the “suicide” seems convincing enough, even though the body is found in a hotel room. The case was closed quickly. SH
(04:30) But someone knows?
(04:31) Let’s say someone does. And let’s say that person threatens to reveal everything if you don't agree to their conditions. What do you do? SH
(04:34) I would agree to their conditions for as long as I could to save my reputation.
(04:35) Let’s say the blackmail doesn't stop. The person starts harassing you at work, starts asking for bigger sums. SH
(04:38) My answer still stands: I try to protect my reputation.
(04:38) You will run out of money eventually. SH
(04:40) When that moment comes, I might be tempted to kill him.
(04:42) Let’s say you go on a romantic cruise on the Thames with your wife. During the trip, you discover your blackmailer is also on the boat, masquerading as the captain. SH
(04:45) I…throw him overboard? Try the suicide card again?
(04:45) Risky. SH
(04:46) Will you just tell me what happened?
(04:47) There’s a confrontation on the boat, he says he has arranged to expose the truth. He’s sick of the money, he wants revenge for his friend. SH
(04:47) Only he knows how to stop the truth from being exposed, so if you throw him overboard, you won’t be able to stop the truth from coming out. SH
(04:59) Can I…throw him overboard and then come up with a story so my wife will believe I’m in danger and someone wants to ruin my reputation? The victim’s friend can’t have any proof or I would be in prison already.
(05:00) Thank you John, you have been extremely useful. SH
(05:02) Wait! Did I get it right?
(05:17) Sherlock?
April 18th (15:34) Guess who’s now in prison. SH
(16:03) It had better be the rent boy killer.
(16:04) It is indeed. SH
(16:05) Thank God, that’s where people like that belong. How did you solve it?
(16:06) I searched the couple’s names in the Yard’s database, and I found that the husband had been interrogated a few years ago after having been identified as one of the dead rent boy’s clients. The death was declared a suicide, the man had a credible alibi, the two names were never pronounced in the same sentence again. SH
(16:08) Months later, the man (Bill) and his wife are on a boat with one of the rent boy’s friends (Joey) knows everything. The man is threatened, he drugs the friend, and throws him off the boat. To preserve his reputation, he convinces his wife to run away with him. SH
(16:10) You have no idea how many questions I have.
(16:10) Go ahead. SH
(16:12) How did you know he was being blackmailed?
(16:12) It was the only explanation of all the facts. SH
(16:13) Also, after the rent boy’s (Nathan), his friend and colleague Joey told the police that Nathan sometimes had a sadist client who liked to push things too far. That’s why the police interrogated the clients. SH
(16:14) I’m guessing the interrogation didn’t go as well as expected by the rent boy’s friend.
(16:14) It didn’t. SH
(16:15) What happened then?
(16:15) Joey decided to seek revenge in a different way. He told the murderer he knew what had happened, which was a bluff, but Bill was terrified. He confessed and agreed to pay for Joey’s silence. SH
(16:16) Joey got greedy; Bill had the means to pay. At least, at first he had. Soon, money wasn’t enough, Joey decided he needed to destroy Bill’s life. That takes us on the boat where he managed to get himself hired as captain. SH
Wrong Number - 3e
May 17 2012, 21:37:18 UTC
(16:17) I can’t confirm if it’s true, but apparently Joey had scheduled to send an email that would have exposed the truth to all the biggest papers and TV networks. Bill’s fortune had diminished considerably in the last years and he was desperate. He managed to slip some of his Digoxin into Joey’s tea, and then he threw him overboard. SH
(16:18) Bill didn’t know how to stop the email from being sent, so he told his wife a story about some people at work who were out to get him and were ready to do anything to ruin him. SH
To make it more believable, he took a timer from the kitchen, hid it in the cabin, and told her it was a bomb. He blamed the captain, she was obviously terrified, and soon they jumped off and swam to shore. SH
(16:21) Wow. I’m a bit speechless. Why didn’t they take the liferaft? Or the vests, at least?
(16:22) He said they could trace it back to them. SH
(16:23) So he’s in prison for two murders…his wife must have been devastated when she learned the truth.
(16:23) I don’t know. Probably. SH
(16:23) Wow, poor woman. But mostly, poor boys. How old were they?
(16:24) Nathan was 19, Joey had turned 26 a few days before his death. SH
(16:25) Christ!
(16:26) How did Joey manage to get hired as a captain?
(16:26) He came from a rich family who loved boats, so he had a lot of experience with them. As for his certifications, I believe they were fake, but that’s currently being investigated, so I can’t confirm. SH
(16:28) Wow. I’m impressed. All this because the guy had been interrogated once in the past. And the kitchen timer, good job catching that. I still can’t believe anyone would do that.
(16:29) I mean seriously, a bloody kitchen timer! I would have been in tears if I’d been there.
(16:30) I’m so sorry. Some people died, I shouldn’t be laughing.
(16:30) It’s fine, I had a bit of a laugh, too. SH
(16:31) Anyway, congrats on solving the case :-)
(16:31) I had help. SH
(16:32) Yes, of course, you need the police for some stuff, but that was still amazing.
(16:32) I was talking about you. SH
(16:32) What? Why? How?
(16:34) Some things you said that came into my mind at the appropriate moment. You suggested something could have prompted everyone to jump off the boat. Later, you said you would have faked a bomb threat to get your wife off the boat. SH
(16:34) You’re serious? I helped?
(16:34) I’m not lying. Thank you. SH
(16:36) Well, it was my absolute pleasure, even if you woke me up at a crazy hour. The brainstorming helped then?
(16:36) It did. If you are amenable to repeating the experience, I would like to use your brain again in the future. SH
(16:37) Sure! That would be great!
(16:37) Thank you John. SH
(16:38) No problem, you can text me anytime.
Unsent message - (17:04) I think we should meet, it would make our collaboration easier. SH
Re: Wrong Number - 3e
May 18 2012, 22:57:20 UTC
I love them too :-) In fact, I think we like the same kind of prompts because I always end up commenting on your fics, even when you write them anonymously, and you always seem to find mine.
I'm glad you're enjoying this, thank you for commenting!
Re: Wrong Number - 3eadrieunorMay 18 2012, 07:12:38 UTC
Oh, Sherlock.
I love, love that you're still following the order of events - like the NZ trip from John's blog! Fantastic! ...Does John keep a blog in this universe?
Re: Wrong Number - 3e
May 18 2012, 23:03:54 UTC
I'm relying heavily on John's blog for the timeline and the cases (this part was inspired by one John had to take down, so it was a huge struggle). I'm glad you like that, because I will keep doing it :-)
In this universe, John also had a therapist who suggested he starts keeping a blog. However, without Sherlock to bring him along on some crazy adventures, his entries are rare and probably look something like "I saw a funny-looking tree today". Also, without John's blog to show the world he exists, Sherlock won't become famous as he did in canon.
I'm happy you like it, thanks for letting me know!
Re: Wrong Number - 3exxsmoothopexxMay 21 2012, 21:18:48 UTC
This whole thing was brilliant!! I love it so much, and the fact that it was all written through text ♥ also, love your reference to the canon with the missing fiance. :D
Re: Wrong Number - 3e
May 22 2012, 16:01:52 UTC
I'm glad you're still reading!
That was a lot of fun to write. In my head, Sherlock would be annoyed by not having John's full attention, even if they only know each other by texts :-)
Are you still sulking?
Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock
Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock
Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock
Hey, Sherlock!
I don't know what you're hoping to
achieve by turning my jacket into a
vibrating device.
This. Exactly this.
I don't have time for this.
Yes you do. You answered far too
quickly, so you don't have a case.
That was some serious deduction.
At the very least you should
acknowledge it to encourage the
good behaviour.
What are you, a dog?
Does brainstorming with someone
else really help when you’re on a
Doing it with you would have been
my first experience with a person.
It does help when I do it with the
skull, so I was expecting positive
You talk to a skull?! No, don’t
answer that, never mind.
Here's what I suggest. Next time,
tell me if you think you could use
my help. I'm not promising
anything, but if I can, I'll try to
make myself available.
I wouldn't want to impose.
Don't be a berk. You're a shit
detective if you can't tell I'm
fascinated by your cases. I would
love to help, even if it's just by
being your sounding board.
Sounds good?
Great. I’m at work now, and
no matter how long I stare
at my paperwork, it won’t fill
itself. So, I’m off. Text me
later, ok?
April 16th
Does that mean you’d like my
help with something?
If you’re available.
Bit short notice and I'm not home.
Hold on, I'll see what I can do.
Fine. I can talk. What's the case?
Are you familiar with the Tilly
Briggs Pleasure Cruises?
I’ve seen the ads, but it’s not
something I could ever afford,
so I didn’t pay it much
It’s a boat renting company.
They have a small fleet that
people can rent when they
want to take a small cruise
on the Thames.
Three days ago, one of their
boats was found abandoned
close to Kew.
There was a couple plus the
captain on board when the
boat left, and no one was found.
All the safety devices were still
on the boat. No one has seen
any of them since they got on
that boat.
Apparently the couple wanted
to have a romantic dinner, but
the food was untouched on
the table when the boat was
God, that’s weird. Any sign
of violence?
None whatsoever.
I want all the hypotheses that
cross your mind. Even those you
think are silly. Perhaps it will
trigger something in me.
Kidnapping. Alien invasion.
Really, John? Aliens before
pirates? Pirates was the first
thing that crossed my mind.
Shut up, I’m thinking!
A suicidal pact? They rent a boat
and they jump off together?
Why go through all the trouble of
serving dinner? Unlikely.
Has the boat been inspected?
Could there be a defect that
would have prompted them to
abandon ship?
Yes. No.
Honestly Sherlock, I have no
idea. Maybe the answer is not
in the boat itself, but in the
passengers? Did they have any
reasons to disappear?
Maybe. The police is looking
into their backgrounds as we
speak. I’ll get their files when
they’re done with it.
Yes, I know what you’re about
to say: It’s an enormous
waste of time, and things would
proceed faster if you were allowed
to look at the files right away.
That’s not what I was going to
I’m sorry I can’t help.
You’re kind of helping.
Ha! That’s nice of you.
Where are you?
My girlfriend’s flat. We’re
planning a trip to New
Oh. You didn’t have to help if
you didn’t want to.
It’s fine, I really wanted to.
Have you ever been to New
Are you a 15-year-old kid?
Have you seen how kids spell
nowadays? Surely you can’t
think I’m one of them.
Kids nowadays? Forget what I
said, you’re 97.
Your girlfriend.
What about her?
You told her you were texting
someone about a case. She
thinks it’s a prank.
You’re right. Of course you’re
Do you think I’m pranking you?
If you are, it’s one of the most
elaborate pranks I’ve ever
You didn’t answer my question.
No, I don’t think it’s a prank.
But she said you could be
anyone or could have bad
And now you can’t stop thinking
about it.
Maybe you’re the prankster with
bad intentions.
I’m not. I’m also older than
15 and far younger than 97.
If it can reassure you: it’s the
same for me. You can tell that
to your girlfriend.
Just got the passengers’ files.
Great! Tell me if there’s
anything I can do.
You should consider checking
out Tunnel Beach. I hear it’s
You said you’ve never been
Did some research.
I’ll keep that in mind. Thank
April 17th
I need your inferior mind.
Jesus Christ, my inferior mind
and I are asleep.
You can’t be asleep, it’s only…
I’m sorry John, I’ve been
focusing on the case for so
long that I lost track of time.
Apology accepted. Next time
you need someone’s help,
try not waking them up in
the process and don’t
refer to their minds as
Don’t be insulted. Your mind
is inferior compared to mine,
but it’s far superior to some
I think I might be on the right
track to solving the case, but
I need to know how a normal
person thinks.
Fine, I’m awake anyway.
But there’s no way I’m
doing this without tea, so
don’t start bombarding
me if I don’t answer fast
enough for you.
I’ll try to refrain myself.
But hurry up.
Alright, I’m ready.
You’re a millionaire. You’re not
famous enough to interest
the media, but you have
enough power and influence
to go to bed every night
feeling pretty pleased about
yourself. Can you see it?
I can. It’s a lot nicer than
the dream I was having
when you woke me up.
You have a wife, an obedient
dog. You also have regular
homosexual intercourse with
rent boys.
Sounds like my regular
Saturday evenings.
Sorry, couldn’t resist. Go
You have masochist
tendencies that your wife
refuses to indulge, so you
often get a bit rough with
the rent boys. Not always
I’m not a very good man.
No you’re not.
One night, things go too far.
Maybe you’re angry, maybe
it’s too much enthusiasm,
maybe the boy made you
angry. Either way, you kill
You know that your life will
be ruined if the story comes
out, so you do what movies
have thought you to do:
you make it seem like it was
a suicide, you wipe all traces
of your presence in the
room, and you go looking
for a solid alibi.
I suppose I don't get caught?
You don't. But that’s
unfortunately not much of a
surprise. Whenever a junkie,
prostitute, or homeless
person dies, it always gets
blamed on drugs.
In this case, the “suicide”
seems convincing enough,
even though the body is
found in a hotel room. The
case was closed quickly.
But someone knows?
Let’s say someone does.
And let’s say that person
threatens to reveal
everything if you don't
agree to their conditions.
What do you do?
I would agree to their
conditions for as long as I
could to save my reputation.
Let’s say the blackmail
doesn't stop. The person
starts harassing you at work,
starts asking for bigger sums.
My answer still stands: I try to
protect my reputation.
You will run out of money
When that moment comes, I might
be tempted to kill him.
Let’s say you go on a romantic
cruise on the Thames with your
wife. During the trip, you
discover your blackmailer is also
on the boat, masquerading as
the captain.
I…throw him overboard? Try
the suicide card again?
Will you just tell me what
There’s a confrontation on the
boat, he says he has arranged
to expose the truth. He’s sick
of the money, he wants revenge
for his friend.
Only he knows how to stop
the truth from being exposed,
so if you throw him overboard,
you won’t be able to stop the
truth from coming out.
Can I…throw him overboard
and then come up with a
story so my wife will believe
I’m in danger and someone
wants to ruin my reputation?
The victim’s friend can’t
have any proof or I would be
in prison already.
Thank you John, you have been
extremely useful.
Wait! Did I get it right?
April 18th
Guess who’s now in prison.
It had better be the rent boy
It is indeed.
Thank God, that’s where people
like that belong. How did you
solve it?
I searched the couple’s
names in the Yard’s database,
and I found that the husband
had been interrogated a few
years ago after having been
identified as one of the dead
rent boy’s clients. The death
was declared a suicide, the man
had a credible alibi, the two
names were never pronounced
in the same sentence again.
Months later, the man (Bill) and
his wife are on a boat with one
of the rent boy’s friends (Joey)
knows everything. The man is
threatened, he drugs the
friend, and throws him off the
boat. To preserve his
reputation, he convinces his
wife to run away with him.
You have no idea how many
questions I have.
Go ahead.
How did you know he was
being blackmailed?
It was the only explanation of
all the facts.
Also, after the rent boy’s
(Nathan), his friend and
colleague Joey told the police
that Nathan sometimes had a
sadist client who liked to push
things too far. That’s why the
police interrogated the clients.
I’m guessing the interrogation
didn’t go as well as expected
by the rent boy’s friend.
It didn’t.
What happened then?
Joey decided to seek revenge
in a different way. He told the
murderer he knew what had
happened, which was a bluff,
but Bill was terrified. He
confessed and agreed to pay
for Joey’s silence.
Joey got greedy; Bill had the
means to pay. At least, at
first he had. Soon, money
wasn’t enough, Joey decided
he needed to destroy Bill’s life.
That takes us on the boat
where he managed to get
himself hired as captain.
I can’t confirm if it’s true, but
apparently Joey had scheduled
to send an email that would have
exposed the truth to all the
biggest papers and TV networks.
Bill’s fortune had diminished
considerably in the last years
and he was desperate. He
managed to slip some of his
Digoxin into Joey’s tea, and then
he threw him overboard.
Bill didn’t know how to stop
the email from being sent, so
he told his wife a story about
some people at work who
were out to get him and were
ready to do anything to ruin
To make it more believable,
he took a timer from the
kitchen, hid it in the cabin,
and told her it was a bomb.
He blamed the captain, she
was obviously terrified, and
soon they jumped off and
swam to shore.
Wow. I’m a bit speechless. Why
didn’t they take the liferaft?
Or the vests, at least?
He said they could trace it back
to them.
So he’s in prison for two
murders…his wife must
have been devastated when
she learned the truth.
I don’t know. Probably.
Wow, poor woman. But
mostly, poor boys. How
old were they?
Nathan was 19, Joey had
turned 26 a few days
before his death.
How did Joey manage to
get hired as a captain?
He came from a rich family
who loved boats, so he had
a lot of experience with
them. As for his certifications,
I believe they were fake, but
that’s currently being
investigated, so I can’t
Wow. I’m impressed. All
this because the guy had
been interrogated once in
the past. And the kitchen
timer, good job catching
that. I still can’t believe
anyone would do that.
I mean seriously, a
bloody kitchen timer! I
would have been in tears
if I’d been there.
I’m so sorry. Some people
died, I shouldn’t be
It’s fine, I had a bit of a
laugh, too.
Anyway, congrats on
solving the case :-)
I had help.
Yes, of course, you need the
police for some stuff, but
that was still amazing.
I was talking about you.
What? Why? How?
Some things you said that
came into my mind at the
appropriate moment. You
suggested something
could have prompted
everyone to jump off the boat.
Later, you said you would
have faked a bomb threat to
get your wife off the boat.
You’re serious? I helped?
I’m not lying. Thank you.
Well, it was my absolute
pleasure, even if you woke me
up at a crazy hour. The
brainstorming helped then?
It did. If you are amenable to
repeating the experience, I
would like to use your brain
again in the future.
Sure! That would be great!
Thank you John.
No problem, you can text me
Unsent message - (17:04)
I think we should meet, it
would make our collaboration
Thought you should know :D
I'm glad you're enjoying this, thank you for commenting!
I love, love that you're still following the order of events - like the NZ trip from John's blog! Fantastic! ...Does John keep a blog in this universe?
In this universe, John also had a therapist who suggested he starts keeping a blog. However, without Sherlock to bring him along on some crazy adventures, his entries are rare and probably look something like "I saw a funny-looking tree today". Also, without John's blog to show the world he exists, Sherlock won't become famous as he did in canon.
I'm happy you like it, thanks for letting me know!
I couldn't come up with an original case to save my life, so thankfully ACD came up with loads of them I can borrow.
Thanks for reading, I hope you'll enjoy the rest.
That was a lot of fun to write. In my head, Sherlock would be annoyed by not having John's full attention, even if they only know each other by texts :-)
Hello? Have you been called to
another crime scene? Did someone
flash the consulting detective signal? lmao.
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