Friending Meme

Mar 15, 2012 21:16

By popular demand, here is the Friending Meme! Tell us more about yourself, meet new people, and make some friends. Just copy the content of the box below, fill out as much as you want, and post it as a new comment. Then, browse other people's answers and bask in the awesomeness of the people here.

One rule: Be friendly!

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finding things, off topic by nature, friending meme

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augustbird March 16 2012, 02:03:59 UTC
Name/nickname: augustbird / jenny
Age: 22
Location: Pennsylvania
How you got into Sherlock: i kept seeing it all over my friendslist, but it wasn't until an irl friend demanded for me to watch it it that i finally got around to it last summer. and the rest is benedict cumberbatch's chins history.
Other adaptations you enjoy: i actually only recently got around to reading the acd books, just finish the sign of four yesterday! and i love both rdj and jude law so fan of the movies too. *__* but fandom wise, sherlock bbc all the way.
Favourite Sherlock character(s)/pairing(s): i kind of love molly a lot. i think mycroft is a fantastic character. huge fan of john. sherlock is a dick but i love him anyway. i'm sure i'm missing people! and as for pairings, i stick mostly with john/sherlock.
A prompt you'd like to see filled: i should really browse the kinkmeme more because i can't but i could see this escalating into a really hilarious fic. :D also there was this prompt about peter guillam disguising himself as sherlock to flush out moriarty and how the fall was the conclusion of this particular assignment but peter/sherlock not expecting to fall in love with john and DOES ANYBODY HAVE A LINK TO THIS BEAUTIFUL PROMPT THAT I HAVE LOST?
Favourite episode and why: REICHENBACH. because it made me cry and i don't cry at anything lol.
Things you enjoy in fics: good writing. believable characterization. bonus if it's plotty and action packed. :D
Other fandoms: hbo war fandoms (band of brothers, the pacific, generation kill), the eagle, inception, durarara, & white collar are fandoms i've written for. i've lurked in countless others though--my interests range from parks & rec to breaking bad to pokemon.
Non-fandom interests: i'd really like to learn how to cook better aaaa, but i absolutely suck at it. i also like walking around in beautiful weather and settling on a bench in a park with a book. oh and science. so much science.
Five random facts about you: 1. i am a pretend graduate student working in an immunology/epigenetics lab and my lj consists of a lot of whining about that, 2. i have elbows that hyperextend and sometimes when i catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror while stretching, i get weirded out by the hyperextension, 3. the more i learn, the more i realize i don't know anything, 4. i have performed cpr on a real person, 5. miike snow's new album is currently the love of my life.
Something you'd like to do this year: graduate. please.
Anything else: can i shamlessly plug my fic recommendation tumblr?

and baby goats fix everything :D


spurandsaddle March 16 2012, 02:07:47 UTC
Wow, how many Bio people do we have on here? Enzymology here! I have met several other Macro bio/ Biochem grad students on here. Goats are awesome, though mine are currently being assholes cause it's spring.


augustbird March 16 2012, 02:16:40 UTC
hey that's awesome! what's your research in? i'm technically a biochemistry/chemistry major but the amount of chemistry i know is negligible haha. i do know how to run a western blot in my sleep though...

you have goats! i'm kind of jealous! as part of a farm or as pets? i've been situated in a city for the last couple of years so it's been a while since i've gotten in touch with nature/farmlike areas haha.


spurandsaddle March 16 2012, 02:36:35 UTC
I am actually still an undergrad, though I don't feel like it. I am currently informally working in two labs, one working on enzyme kinetics, the other in protein folding (I just kinda kept showing up asking questions, then they started giving me stuff to do.). Between that, TAing some of the 100 level bio labs, and classes it's a bit nuts.

I'm a biochemical engineering major, though I want to end up in a cellular engineering program for my PhD. I am pretty set in my enzymes/proteins love though (they are so amazing! I want to learn everything about them!).

I have 3 pygmy goats. Ted, Tim and Larry. They are currently living on a farm since I am living in dorms. I go visit them and help out on weekends.


lysther March 16 2012, 02:54:43 UTC
That's awesome! I'm a marine biology major. Bio people unite!


ficwriter103 March 16 2012, 03:50:09 UTC
Woohoo! Microbiologist in training :D

I love me my beautiful virus


augustbird March 16 2012, 04:18:21 UTC
microbiologists unite! :D

any viruses in particular?


ficwriter103 March 16 2012, 04:56:57 UTC
Not yet D:



augustbird March 16 2012, 05:03:42 UTC
what year are you? :D

i wish i did stuff with viruses! my research revolves around the mechanism of a particular transcription factor/repressor of a particular gene which is important in triggering the immune response. it sounds straightforward but science is terribly terribly convoluted and it feels more of an art form than anything else haha.


ficwriter103 March 16 2012, 06:15:06 UTC
Only in second :B So far we've only done really tame stuff like collecting bacteriophages and feeding them E. coli. Stuff like growing viruses in eggs. It's cool but a little freaky especially when our professor told us to go straight home after the experiment and wash all our clothes in case we accidentally started an endemic.


augustbird March 16 2012, 04:17:48 UTC
marine bio is awesome! i think i read something in science a while back about the surge in jellyfish populations? but how they're not sure about anything because nobody's really kept track and also it's difficult because y'know, the ocean is humungous. that's the extent of what i know haha. :D


augustbird March 16 2012, 04:09:01 UTC
whoa, that's the same exact situation i'm in! i'm technically an undergrad but i spend just about 70% of my waking hours in lab trying to figure out why i suck so much at designing experiments haha. what proteins do your labs look at? and holy hell, kudos to you for taking on research on top of ta-ing, that's gotta be a huge strain on your time and energy. @_@

i know exactly what you mean about having huge amounts of love for a subject--every time i sit down and just think about how massively complex our immune systems are, i kind of want to just want to devote the rest of my life to it aaaaaa. <3



reynard_muldrak March 26 2012, 12:44:39 UTC
Not bio, but does Industial Chemistry specializing in Herbicides and Insecticides count?

Truthfully I love studing genetics, but never really got into the rest of Biology while at uni, was more focused on Physics and chemstry.


spurandsaddle March 26 2012, 17:38:25 UTC
I'd say that counts! I am biochemical engineering, so most of my classes are chemistry and chemical systems as well. We don't do genetics or any sort of macro or evolutionary biology, though I am teaching a lot of that to myself.

With science today the big three are getting more and more interconnected. Interdisciplinary programs seem to be the future.


makenoapology March 16 2012, 04:08:54 UTC
for just a second i thought "the eagle" was "the eagles", as in the band, and i was like WAIT A SECOND THERE'S A FANDOM FOR THEM??

but. i just can't read. also band of brothers awubwubwub my heart ;-;


augustbird March 16 2012, 04:12:35 UTC
ffff SO SORRY TO DISAPPOINT. ;___; but i highly suggest the eagle as well because MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF GAY. also did i mention the gay? because it's very. you know. homoerotic.

band of brothers oh my god i can't like even begin to articulate how much love i have for that series aaaaa. SO MUCH LOVE AND SO MUCH RESPECT FOR ALL OF THE MEN. every time something is going wrong in my life and i feel the urge to whine about it, i just clamp down on that shit and think about everything they had to go through and it just throws my own trivial problems into perspective for me. <3333


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