Prompting Part XXV

Jan 29, 2012 15:13

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prompting: 25, prompt posts

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Fill: Very Sincerely 5/6 sheepnamedpig January 31 2012, 07:50:16 UTC
Irene Adler is very beautiful and very intelligent. She and Sherlock would make incredible offspring if only either of them were interested. She's not perfect, of course, already too caught up in the game even though it's only just started, and that's enough for John to lose interest in her.

She's not much, not without his and Jim's help, but at least she's funny.


John watches the footage of Adler's execution with a touch of regret. She and Sherlock really would've made spectacular children. He puts a copy of the video in the file bound for Mycroft. It had been a bit of a challenge keeping his own terrorist cell hidden from both Mycroft and Sherlock, but they'd stayed hidden until the Holmeses and their respective coteries had cleared out before catching Adler again and giving her a proper beheading. The head was on ice somewhere, tucked away for a rainy day.

He picks up his phone and texts Jim.

Ask him about Sherlock's past, would you?

There's no reply, but James figures Jim is a little busy with the MI-5 operatives that just knocked on his door.


When Jim gets out, John goes to see him in person.

Jim looks smaller, his already thin frame leached of health almost to the point of emaciation. The brilliant mind behind those endlessly black eyes is cracked even more than usual, cracked to the point that a hard blow would shatter it altogether. John looks past all that, looks into the very core of Jim to that tie of loyalty that had begun to fray, and finds it renewed and strengthened, stronger than it was when John had first placed it there.

John takes Jim in his arms and cradles him, whispers forgiveness into his ears and the promise of brotherly devotion, and knows that Jim will never betray him again.


John was the one who threw Jim and Mycroft into each others' paths, but he'd underestimated his enemy. James had expected Jim to come out stronger, his brilliant madness tempered and honed by his encounter with a superior foe the same way he'd been energized and inspired by his tête-à-tête with Sherlock. But John had miscalculated, had underestimated, and at some point what was meant to be a trial by fire became a siege by ice. Jim is ever so brittle now.

James supposes the cracks might heal with time, but he'll need to buy that time from Mycroft.

James thinks that thirty pieces of silver will suffice.


Jim rallies his strength for the last plot. Together they plant the seeds that will lead to Sherlock's fall from grace. A few strategically placed allies, a call to an unscrupulous reporter looking for her big break, a few falsified documents about a man who never existed, and they're on their way.

The morning of their big day, John sends Jim a customised iPhone with Rossini's “The Thieving Magpie”.

The robberies go off without a hitch, as does the trial. John's meeting with Mycroft is almost depressingly predictable and the kidnapping case is so easily solved it's really not worth thinking up a witty moniker for. It all goes down so easily, so easily that John wonders how Sherlock hasn't already fallen under the weight of his own ego.

John's second meeting with Mycroft is an exercise in control. It's difficult not to blow his own cover and say I warned you but the play's not over yet. Sherlock still has just a little farther to fall until he reaches that permanent destination.

When John gets the phone call about Mrs. Hudson, he leaves as obediently as a lamb. He'd like to stay and watch Jim's last confrontation with Sherlock, wants to see Sherlock's expression when Jim tells him the truth about the keycode, but it's not James' place. No, this last confrontation belongs to Jim.

John has gotten so good at making plans that he'd forgotten the golden rule: The best laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry.



Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig January 31 2012, 07:51:33 UTC
Good morning, Mr. Holmes.

What do you want, Moriarty?

Just to say 'I warned you'.

A rather Pyrrhic victory, don't you think? After all, you lost your brother just as surely as I lost mine.

Wrong in every particular. Jim wasn't my brother. Moriarty wasn't even his real last name. And I lost him when you broke him.

You sent him to me.

I underestimated you. Congratulations. It won't happen again.

What do you want from me?

Your word that you'll stay out of my way.

Or what? What do I have left to lose?

Everything. Everyone you know, everyone that knew the real Sherlock, everything you've ever accomplished, everything that you might still accomplish. And your life, I suppose, though I usually try not to make such pedestrian threats.

Fine. You win. I forfeit the game.

You mean that?

Very sincerely.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig January 31 2012, 10:51:39 UTC
Deliciously dark! I thought it was very interesting that the battle was really between Moriarty and Mycroft, not Sherlock.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig February 1 2012, 00:02:37 UTC
The best chocolate always is. I always thought it was kinda unfair that Sherlock got an enemy to match wits against but Mycroft never did, so it was great fun to try to write someone who would be worthy of locking horns with him. I don't know how well I succeeded, but thanks for reading.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 lbmisscharlie January 31 2012, 12:28:32 UTC
Oh, this is good. I like that Mycroft is Moriarty's real match, and the parallels of their "brothers" and the undercurrents of betrayal.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig February 1 2012, 00:05:54 UTC
Glad you liked it! There's a lot of parallels, and almost all of them were accidental. Once I had Jim as James' adopted Moriarty brother, everything just kinda wrote itself, even the betrayals. Sherlock and Jim are each other, but I think James and Mycroft are also mirror images of each other.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig January 31 2012, 13:52:01 UTC
This. Was. Brilliant.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig February 1 2012, 00:07:04 UTC
Glad. You. Liked.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig January 31 2012, 20:08:33 UTC
OP here. Dear god, this is wonderful and brilliant and amazing. This is something I was hoping for, and more. Absolutely lovely.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig February 1 2012, 00:11:39 UTC
HI OP! I'm glad you're satisfied with it! It was a little choppier than I'd originally planned, since it's written around the episodes rather than in them as I'd intended to do at first. Except, the story isn't about Sherlock, so it seemed inappropriate to delve too much into Sherlock's side of the story.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig February 1 2012, 11:51:52 UTC
this fill is simply sublime. wow, so blown away by how perfect this is.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig February 1 2012, 17:56:29 UTC
Wow, thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed reading it. I certainly enjoyed writing it!


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig February 2 2012, 04:27:18 UTC
Oh but this is perfect.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig February 2 2012, 10:55:13 UTC
Well, I aim to please. I'm happy that you liked it.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig April 7 2012, 23:30:53 UTC
Mycroft is being sarcastic, right? He's going to kick James' ass?

It was very clever and believable, I like the way you related 'Hamish' to 'James' and John going to Afghanistan to found a crime empire is lovely and dark.


Re: Fill: Very Sincerely 6/6 sheepnamedpig April 8 2012, 07:19:24 UTC
Trololol, unfortunately no. Well, maybe. I'll probably write a sequel to this, but not 'till Series 3 comes out, so you and I can sit here, suck lemons, and yell 'MOFTISSSSSSSSSS!' at the top of our lungs.

You think it's believable? Man, whenever I think about this fic I'm terrified that John came across as having Dissociative Identity Disorder (which he kinda does, in the way that all actors do), but yeah, with Hamish as a middle name this prompt was just asking for it. Lololol, John is such an overachiever in his own little way.


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