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Mod Post ellie_hell December 7 2011, 02:42:21 UTC
Tomorrow, some of you may attend the BFI screening of the first episode of Sherlock’s much anticipated second series, and that’s why I thought I would take a couple of minutes of your prompting/filling time to talk about spoilers.

We’d like people to be in control of the spoilers they decide to read, so please put a warning when your posts contain spoilers. If your prompt/post is inspired by something you saw in the new episode and you’re not sure whether it’s a spoiler or not, I’d recommend putting a warning anyway; better safe than sorry. So please, think of those who have to wait until they see the episodes; put a warning in your posts titles.

Also, to avoid springing unwanted spoilers on those who read the posts in flat view, please don’t remove the spoiler warning in the title when you’re responding to a post if your post is going to contain spoilers too.

All posts containing spoilers without a warning will be deleted, and since we can’t monitor everything, please report spoilers without warnings in the Page-A-Mod Post. And those who want to avoid spoilers, be careful what you read; if the first post of a thread has a spoiler warning, I would stay away from the rest of that thread too.

On an unrelated note, some people asked for clarifications regarding the no naming names rules: Ranting about a prompt or a fill is fine, as long as it’s done in the Rant Post and not in the Prompting Posts. What we don’t want to see anywhere, even in the Rant Post, are personal attacks. So, saying you don’t like a story or a prompt is alright, but no pointing fingers at a specific user and insulting that person.

Now that I've taken up enough of your time, I'll wish a wonderful screening to those who are attending, and happy prompting/filling to everyone.


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 7 2011, 04:05:25 UTC
I'd like to propose a toast to the Mods.

*raises glass*




Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 7 2011, 11:20:16 UTC
*drinks along with you* Hooray!


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 8 2011, 19:05:26 UTC


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 7 2011, 06:30:52 UTC
OH MY FUCKING GOD SPOILERGGEDON IS COMING. Thank you so much for the heads up, I hadn't been aware something like that was even happening! I'm a raging spoiler phobe and will be hiding from everything for a while. You lot are fantastic!


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 7 2011, 12:14:13 UTC
I'd like to suggest instituting the usual 4000 comments prompt freeze earlier. As in now, before the screening. That way people will have a little time before the start of potentially spoilery prompts/fills.


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 7 2011, 18:15:43 UTC
I second this idea. By my clock there are four hours until it starts.


Re: Mod Post ilexdarkly December 7 2011, 19:13:49 UTC
I'm also in favor of this idea. It'll give people time to cool off and think before they post spoilers.


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 7 2011, 19:36:53 UTC
Oh my god your icon with the gazing Sherlock and the slight 'help me' look from John is DOING THINGS TO ME.

Also in support of this idea. We skipped the 2k freeze and it's nearly 4k anyway, make it a 3.5k freeze?


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 7 2011, 20:44:59 UTC
In favour too.


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 11 2011, 06:34:52 UTC
I think there should have been a separate post for people wanting to post prompts with spoilers in it. People who track it get it sent to their inbox, and its hard to miss spoilers when you can see it all at once, an inch of spoiler room doesn't help. The whole post shows up.


Re: Mod Post ellie_hell December 12 2011, 00:18:00 UTC
seconded ;) Yah, time for a little holiday from the meme til new year, 'cause while people are doing their best the spoiler space thing doesn't work for me.


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