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Fatherly Concern 3/? qed_221b October 5 2011, 11:59:23 UTC
“I was going to tell you,” John announced, holding up his hands and taking a step back away from Sherlock, who was glaring accusingly at him.

“When exactly were you going to tell me?”

“Well if you stopped when I called for you to-”

“You should have called louder!”

“You should have been listening!”

“Alright that's enough!” Siger called, effectively cutting John and Sherlock's bickering short... or at least, prompting a brief interlude.

“Sherlock behave yourself. Dr. Watson, don't let him wind you up for god's sake. The last thing he, or indeed the world needs, is his having somebody else to act up on simply because they give him the reactions he wants.”

“Somebody else?”

“Hmm, yes. Speaking of Mycroft,” Sherlock drawled, flinging himself back onto the sofa, “How did your visit with him go? Did he have a heart attack.”

“Sherlock, be kind,” John sighed.

“I agree with the doctor,” Siger announced, fixing Sherlock with a level stare, “You know he's sensitive about that Sherlock, you shouldn't torment him about it.”

“He torments me about everything,” Sherlock whined.

“No he doesn't.”

“He does,” Sherlock insisted, “He kidnaps anyone who talks to me for more than an hour, he offers them money to spy on me, he acts like I am completely incapable of taking care of myself-”

“You are completely incapabl-”

“Shut up John!”

“Nonetheless Sherlock, you shouldn't poke fun at his weight. What would you do if he got really upset by it?”


Siger sighed.

Rubbing irritably at his temples he announced, “In answer to your original question, I've not seen him yet. He's done a better job at hiding than you have.”

Sherlock rolled his eyes.

“Does he know you're in London?” he asked.

“Not unless he's had me micro-chipped,” chuckled Siger, “I had the cabby use all the blind spots. Never fear my boy, I'll get him soon.”

One of those grins that John had come to associate with trouble slowly spread across Sherlock's face.

“How would you like to get him now?”


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