Sherlock comforting John fics

Jun 23, 2017 21:22

So, I have seen tons of fics where John has comforted Sherlock, and i love them all, but i dont see a lot of Sherlock comforting John. I would love it if any of you could tell me any stories you know where Sherlock comforts John. I don't have a preference as to ehy John needs comforting, whether it's from a nightmare, panic attack, ptsd, crying, self-harming, or injury, I don't have a preference. Just any fics where Sherlock comforts John.

Thank you! :)

character:john, pairing:sherlock/john, theme:suicide, genre:fluff, genre:angst, genre:hurt/comfort, search:recs, theme:breakdown/collapse, genre:friendship, theme:self harm, theme:rape, theme:sherlock!possessive, search:fic, theme:john!sick, theme:ptsd, genre:romance, genre:slash, theme:john's limp, character:sherlock, theme:john!hurt

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