John Cursed

Jun 14, 2017 13:55

This is driving me crazy and I cant seem to remeber enough specifcs for google to help.

This is a story where John is in a firefiight? and ends up getting cursed or bewtiched and I think he has to change form whenever someone says a certain word (the last word he heard before being cursed)

I want to say the word was either his name or something like "Down" which was stupidly common.

It ends with John and Sherlock going back to the palce to fix it and then Sherlock purposely tring to  get curse by yelling soething obsure and fireign boefre charging in.

HELP? I"m 99% sure it was on Ao3

character:john, pairing:sherlock/john, search:fic, theme:supernatural, theme:special powers, character:sherlock, *open request

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