May 21, 2017 21:15
I logged in for the first time in several years to try and find this fic!
It's a post-Reichenbach story primarily starring John, about 11 chapters I believe. I think it is gen; if there are any pairings it is not the main purpose of the story.
Basically the main premise of the story is that in order to cope with his loss, John learns the science of deduction and begins to blog about how to do it. He ends up becoming an expert on the subject and the blog moves away from Sherlock to the science that Sherlock excelled at. The climax of the story starts when Mycroft gives John a video and audio recording of what really happened on the rooftop and lets him publish it on his internationally acclaimed blog. I don't want to spoil the ending, but it involves a confrontation with Sebastian Moran.
Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?
*open request,