Specific Monster Fic

Apr 25, 2017 08:05

Hey everyone, wondering if I can get some help looking for a fic that I read a while ago.

I've tried checking on here (along with AO3) to see if anyone else has been looking for this fic, but no one can seem to find it!

Here's what I remember:

--Sherlock is a monster/shadow that lives in John's room/house when John is a kid
--Sherlock is feeding off of John's life force somehow which results in John going to the hospital once in the story (as a kid). John figures that out and actually confronts Sherlock about it once he gets out of the hospital
--Every time Sherlock feeds he gets a little more solid looking (blue eyes)
--Sherlock is responsible for killing or making a dog disappear because it either bit John or something along those lines (it was mean to him)
--They come up with a way to have Sherlock play with John in the sun
--There is a minor masturbation scene with John as a teenager and Sherlock (as the shadow) helps him out
--Sherlock goes with John to Afghanistan. When John gets shot he feels Sherlock's rage and I think Sherlock (as the shadow) kills the people that shot John
--Mycroft is also mentioned and is also a shadow/monster
--It ends (or is toward the end) with John meeting a now human-ish version of Sherlock (all solid) at 221B. This is where John learns that Mrs. Hudson is also a shadow/monster person.

Ring any bells? I have been looking for this fic for the better part of a year now and any help would be appreciated.


character:mycroft, character:john, pairing:sherlock/john, search:fic, theme:supernatural, character:sherlock, theme:kid!fic

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