Searching For a Few Things

Apr 23, 2011 19:32


I'm actually searching for a few different types of fics ^^ I have a variety of interests, especially in this fandom the past few days so be prepared lol

1. Any consensual Moriarty/John fics out there? Something like this fic: Made For Each Other or at least one where John wasn't raped by Moriarty and just general n/c in general; brainwashing, dub-con that turns consensual is fine, things like that, but at this point in time not really looking for anything outside that unless it's extremely well written and would be a crime not to read lol ^^

2. Any good Mycroft/John fics as well? Ones where Sherlock has something to do with them getting together or has at least some part in the fic would be nice, but as long as it's Mycroft/John I don't care

3. Any type of supernatural/sci-fi type fic, no pairing preference at all, though Sherlock/John would be nice :P I've read most of the ones that were recced in this comm so any new ones would be nice ^^

....okay I think that's it xD LOL that should tide me over for a while depending on how many recs I get, and if I get any cravings for another type of fic *as these are only the current ones* I'll come back and search through the comm and other places before making a request ^^

Thank you for any recs you guys can give me ^^

♥, Rin

(also, no John/Moriarty pairing tag? >.<)

character:mycroft, character:john, pairing:sherlock/john, *open request, pairing:john/mycroft, character:moriarty, theme:supernatural, search:recs, pairing:john/moriarty, character:sherlock

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