Today returned stuff to the library and picked up a book on the Crimea War (heh, sounded interesting) and a book on the Cuban Missile Crisis ('cos I'm sick of hearing that damn line every night without knowing what the hell they are talking about!). Also borrowed the film of the book 'Atomised' (which randomly is a German film of a French book) and 'Miss Potter'. Didn't really enjoy 'Atomised' (the book) but I though 'why not?'
Have to be up before 10am tomorrow because someone is coming to measure my window. It looks like the flats are getting new windows (probably double-glazed *bounce*) but couldn't they come in the afternoon?
the_callum and
elina_kivimaki both need hugs, so I'm going to go look at some of
elina_kivimaki's wonderful work and write a drabble based on one that will hopefully cheer them both up a bit :)