Prompt Me!

May 03, 2009 17:14

My mythical oven arrives on Tuesday (apparently). Until I get firm evidence of it's existence I'm not going to believe this is actually going to happen. I'm very, very fed up of microwave meals and take-away (my local Chinese does my delivery free as I'm such a regular customer), I cannot wait until I can start cooking proper food! At some point in the next week as well I should get a delievery of a lawn mower so I can start looking after the garden (it's in my contract but the landlady didn't leave me any way of cutting the grass!)

I pick up my piggies not this Tues coming but the next (week of the Sherlock Holmes weekend where I get to hang out with wolfie_sara, spacefall and kathie_d). I can't wait! I'm going to have little furry creatures that require cuddles, feeding and cleaning. Also, this Thurs I've agreed to operate the show in a Star Trek uniform (again) and the DSM has agreed to call the show wearing a Wonder Woman costume - not sure I believe she will but hey, why not?

The other day one of the spots was telling us in the box about how she came across a pulsating chrysalis in her garden, we joked that it was actually a sex toy which conjured all sorts of bizarre mental images of free-range sex toys, people growing dildos on the window-sills... you know, that sort of thing. I can't quite shake the image and every now and then I'll giggle to myself, it's fine when you're home on your own but not so great when on a packed train.

I was struck the other day about how bad I feel about not really having written anything in two years. I need a prompt, the sillier the better really - it can be for Holmes/Watson, Sarek/Amanda or Snape/Lockhart... or even the Patrician - whatever you fancy!
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