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да, я немножко говорю
Is that alright for a reply?
Holmes and Watson still not playing ball, although I may have figured out what to do mwwwwhaaaaa! In completely random news I've made my Sims live underground just because I could, next step is to get them to live underwater!
The new series of 'Scrubs' is kinda boring, it's not as snappy as it used to be, it's clear that Zach Braff is a bit of a wanker and that's starting to seep into JD and I don't like that :(. 'Family Guy' had a great Dirty Dancing parody in the middle that made me laugh for a very long time, I might screencap it and put it up for you to giggle at. 'Reaper' still rocks, and I love Gladys!
Just because I don't want to spoil anyone by accident, highlight the below text if you're interested!
OMG!!! That creepy smart kid was back and she totally screwed everyone over! I'm gutted that Sara has left :( :( poor Gil, she didn't say goodbye and I was half expecting him to be crying as he got to the end of her letter. I thought Sara's burnout and depression after the kidnap was a brilliant story arc. Warrick looks like he's going to be getting himself into trouble again, ooooh!
*tootles off to work*