Well, it's the end of a nice week off. It's been a strange week, some of you know about what's been going on but I think most of you don't but it's best left like that :)
On Friday I went with
spacefall to the 'Beer & B7' meet, met random nice people and had some fun conversations. Then on Saturday, met up with
the_callum and
elena_c and off we went for the picnic (my trifle was fundamentally a trifle, but not... but since
the_callum didn't tickle me to death it must have gone down well :)). After meeting up with
killa we decided to have a look at some of the fun Sherlockian locations around Baker Street (and of course debate on the location of 221b). We had a nice sit down in 'The Sherlock Holmes Hotel', after having a look for the 'Empty House', we split up to meet up again for dinner at around 5pm. I went down to watch the Prologue, unfortunately couldn't get too close (I was down by the Finish at Buckingham Palace), but I saw a few heads of riders zip past and watched it on the big screen. When I left to meet up with people again Vladimir Karpets (of Team CSC) had just set the benchmark at 9min 16s (which later was smashed by Fabian Canacellra).
After a really nice meal at Wagamma's we made plans for the next day.
We met up and were doing Sherlockian location wanderings, including a few tourist locations. We had a nice sit down in the 'Sherlock Holmes Pub', spent some time by the Thames, then we went onto the only gas lit street in London (but as it was daytime it obviously wasn't lit), then had drinks in 'The Lyceum Tavern' which is a little quaint Victorian pub that still has the booths set up. After having a nice buffet dinner at a Thai vegan place in Soho, we decamped to 'The Curzon' bar for coffee and chatted. Then we went back to the gas-lit street to see it gas lit, and since it was now 10pm we called it a night and said our goodbyes.
All in all, a great few days :) :) :)
Right now, I'm going back to bed for a few hours (working tonight and the whole getting up early tends to kill me by 5pm) and then I shall do my Saturday Sixes, couple of days late.