Title: Cuttlefish and Anchors Rating: PG Synopsis: Holmes and Watson spend some time by the sea. Dedication: For redconverse's birthday and for atticus_frog.
YAY! Anchors AND caterpillars! Wonderful. Poor, poor Holmes...I've had sunburned ta-tas, but cannot imagine THAT. I love Holmes' playfulness in this. Great work.
Fabulous! Quite clever how you worked in anchors, 'pillars and cuttlefish. Felt myself freezing up a bit at the descriptions of the anchor and 'pillar. *shudders* But loads of laugh out loud moments to compensate for the cold sweat on my brow. Loved the oxymoron bit. You've got such flair for conversation! What a fantastic start to my Sunday! x
Haha! Little does Watson know, Holmes planned all the caterpillars, anchors, and sunburnt genitals just so Watson would never want a vacation ever again.
Thank you for the present of a tormented Holmes. :3
Comments 6
I love like torturing Holmes, he's just like a big kid when you think about it :) :)
Glad you liked it :)
Thank you for the present of a tormented Holmes. :3
Glad you liked it :)
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