Title: "Baker Street 5: A Meal at a Long Table."
Author: Gaedhal
Pairing/Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Dr. John H. Watson; Lovell.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Notes/Warnings: "Sherlock Holmes" (2009) Universe. Set before the Blackwood case.
Disclaimer: This is for fun, not profit. Enjoy.
Summary: Dinner at Sherringford Hall.
Previous segments here:
1. "A Walk to Regent's Park" here:
http://gaedhal.livejournal.com/367955.html 2. "A Meeting in Piccadilly" here:
http://gaedhal.livejournal.com/368712.html 3. "A Journey in a Closed Carriage" here:
http://gaedhal.livejournal.com/370637.html 4. "An Arrival at Dusk" here:
http://gaedhal.livejournal.com/371960.html NEW! 5. "A Meal at a Long Table" here: