life update

Jan 14, 2008 01:00

so, I owe you guys a massive update, and I will do as much as I can.

First, I must show you the kitties cause they are amazing!

This is what they look like:                                  *they love to sit on people and snuggle*

and this is their favorite thing to do:

They snuggle for hours on end, only to be interrupted by eating and playing, which they are insane about. People get worried because it sounds like they are killing each other, but they love it.

Lia used to be tiiiiny, roughly 3 lbs at 4 months old and now that she is about 7 months old she weighs about 8 1/2 lbs. She's still shorter in height and length than Champy, but I think she always will be . Also, she might gain another pound or two, but thats probably all. Its been really cool to watch her grow and she's turned into a really playful, cuddly, sweet cat who loves food, play, sleep, her brother, and people - in that order. And I'm sure as time passes, we'll love them more and more!!!

so yeah, thats the kitties. now to the not so happy stuff

My health has just been out of control these past few months. They put me on a new medication for my depression because the Lexipro wasn't working any more, and I think that the new meds (Lamictal) are actually making things worse. Where as before, I would slowly shift between generally ok and relatively depressed, now I swing from feeling fine to horribly depressed in a manor of minutes. I'm generally stable during the day and in a relatively good mood (though there are some exceptions), but the nights are really bad. My depression has gotten completely out of control and I REALLY need to do something about it, but of course, there are many a time where I am too depressed to even get out of bed and thus can't go to my doctor, who should be able to help, and i get frustrated and more depressed, etc.

But along with the mood swings, the pain has just been unbearable! there are time when i can't get off the couch far enough to answer the phone just because my muscles and joints hurt sooooo badly. Though I'm sure the pain and mood are related, there are times when I'm in horrible horrible pain, but iIm not too depressed about it. its a strange thing, really.

Also, i've been to the ER a couple times, once for my IBS acting up so that I couldn't keep food down at all and then again for a migraine. the time for the was hell because 1) it was so freakin busy and thus it was SOOOO loud and bright and 2) apparently, I've had Compazine so much that I've developed a bad reaction where i feel like i'm crawling out of my skin. I literally could not stay still and always felt like I had to shiver, but couldn't.

The worst has to be the Migraines because 1) they suck, enough said, 2) they make me sleep at weird times which then screws up my sleep cycle, which then creates more Migraines, etc (its a vicious cycle indeed) 3) even if I stop the Migraine, my warning signs are horrible nausea and light sensitivity, so I have to deal with that no matter what.

Oh, and I have dislocated my knee quite a few times too. Once while I was asleep, it was quite impressive. Don't think i've ever been woken up that abruptly in my life! (well, except for the last 2 times it happened in my sleep)

and on to school

For those of you who don't know, I had to drop all my classes last semester, mainly due to all of the health problems. I just got so sick that I could not go to class. I could get the work done, but could not get to class, which was so unbelievably frustrating.

BUT! This semester, I'm trying 2 completely online classes through CCSF, so that way my health doesn't factor into turning in assignments. We'll see how that goes. The first one is a Music Appreciation class and the second is Intro to Broadcast Media. I think they both should be fairly easy, but thats what I need. I'll let you guys know.

and now for love - awwwww-

things have been going pretty well for Gabe and I, relationship-wise. though we both have been going through some rough times individually, our relationship is as strong as ever. actually i think that it has been really good for us to be living together while we are going through such hard times because we can instantly be there for each other when really needed.

oh and this friday marks our 4 year anniversary. its quite unbelievable to us, but its great! We don' t really have the money to do anything super special, but we are going to try to go and find somewhere to stay up in Tahoe later this month and play around in the snow for a few days. Its both something we enjoy and would be very meaningful to us. It might be a Motel Six, unless anyone else can help us out, but we'll see. I'll let you guys know what happens

so, thats about all I can think of for the moment, there probably will be more when I'm more awake, but we'll see.

OH! If you want to see my europe pics, all of them are on my myspace at then click on my picture on the upper left, or you can look at my facebook if we are friends on facebook, but they are not quite all of them, oooor, you can look at them on, i think the link is, but no promises. Lemme know if you want to see them and are unable to!

so, after all that, i'm going to end on a silly/happy note....with a picture of a very fat kitty:

p.s. 17-0 baby, Glendale here we come!
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