Catching up

Mar 01, 2005 06:47

Man, I visited a lot of old friends yesterday. How could I have let these people slip away? I missed every one of them, and yet they were in the same place, every day...and I just didn't go there. For what reason? I suspect it's a memory failing. I mean to call my dad, for example...and I think about it every day, but I usually think about things like that when I'm driving. Can't call then, and by the time I get to where I can (regardless of how little time has passed) I've forgotten, or I get distracted...and I haven't called in ages. My memory has been crap for 2 years, and I mean alzheimer's crap. I do routine things, but can't rememer to do things that I don't do every single day. My diet really improved my memory, but my thyroid meds are messing with it again.

I didn't take my thyroid meds for almost a year. I'm not sure why. Had to do with frustration, I think...I didn't seem to be getting anywhere..I mean, there I was, faithfully taking these pills every day, and nothing was happening that I could see. I was supposed to feel better, but I didn't. I was supposed to lose weight, but I didn't. And my memory got worse and worse. So I quit taking them, and just recently started again. After I went on my diet, I wanted to really take charge of my life and get I went back to the dr and back to the dentist and even went to the Gyn--and you know the result of that already (previous post)

My Dr told me I have the metabolism of a warm corpse and should have so little energy it's a wonder I can get out of bed. He always tells me he has no idea how I do what I do. My thyroid number - dunno exactly what it means, but normal is 0.3 to 5.5, and mine is 108. So I asked him, "And that's bad, right?" because I'm just a smartass.
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