Sep 02, 2006 01:24
"there was nothing that i wouldn't do.. to keep myself around and close to you.. do you have an opinion? a mind of your own? i thought you were special.. i thought you should know.. but i've run out of patience . i couldn't care less......"
wow... why am i listening to garbage, and why do i feel so miserable??
there's no answer, i don't think.
i miss jessica, and she hasn't even been gone a week... and then i'm moving whihc i'm really excited about, but i'm going to miss ashley brian and joshua.. as much as i say i hate living here... i don't know. they've kind of grown on me.. like a leech haha.... nah, but it defintiely has had it's perks, and i guess i'm just worried about ashley, without her under my roof (literally~!!) i can't monitor her bad behavior!!!
i just worry about her, and i hate "hearing things" from people.. ugh. i don't care what anyone else has to say, just her.
and i hate being lied to.. i really do. and i hate being taken advantage of. lately i just don't know what's wrong with me... i hate going out, i hate doing anything............ rawr.. i'm so anti-social. i feel so out of place all the time..
sigh *iguessthisistheend*
"i don't believe in hate, i don't believe in fate.. i don't believe in anything you can't break.. stupid girl, stupid girl, all you had you wasted, all you had you wasted...."