Pop goes the Frigate

May 28, 2009 12:14

This is an EVE-centric post.

Last night, I joined members of my corporation (Team Vagabond) on a region-hopping excursion to blow up ships and eliminate bad guys.

I was the only one NOT in a Vagabond (a Tech 2 speed-cruiser). I was in a lowly Incursus, a Frigate that looks like a green bumble-bee with a lance, as if it is all ready to joust. I suppose she is, just hope she doesn't get hit to hard. She'll crumple real fast.

Incursus' are cheap and fast, kinda like my dates, and often die glorious deaths in battle.

Thus was my fate sealed. I was Team Vagabond's scout, hopping through gates, looking for enemies who think I am an easy target (my dates may be fast and cheap, but I am easy, so it balances out that way).

I found one...in an expensive ship (Rapier) who thought I was easy pickings. Oh, did he learn the error of his ways. He target-locked me. I then target-locked him...proceeded to disrupt his warp drive (making a quick escape impossible)...warp scramble him (making ANY escape impossible) and then screamed out to my brthren in Team Vagabond to HELP!!!!

When they came, they conquered quickly. Not quickly enough to save my little 500k isk (Inter Stellar Kredits = money) Incursus, as the enemy was hitting me hard, but they took out a 15m isk Rapier. Just like that. It was, indeed, a glorious site.

The rest of the evening was more harrowing, but less dramatic. I bought another ship (a destroyer) and was discovered hanging out at a gate. Seconds later, the system was popping with incoming baddies jumping in. AN enemy fleet was coming after me. I ran and they followed...escaping their attempts to trap me. Team Vagabond cloaked and hid...which is nice. I straddled the Jump Bridge leaving the region, waiting on word that my compadres had managed to escape the enemy fleet's wrath. They did...and we all returned home.

Somewhere, out there, I have a rookie ship that needs to be trashed (it was given to me after I returned from my Incursus' destruction by the insurance company). It is mostly worthless, but I just might go after it sometime, rig it up to run and scout...and wait and see who comes nibbling.

Oh, the havoc we can wreck...


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