So, this has been going around the F-list for a while, and I figure you all need a little more Brian Vickers in your life.
I'm to list six random things about me, and then tag six people to do the same.
1. I don't use anything but Apple computers. Actually, most of my electronics are Mac.
2. Until about six months ago, I was deathly afraid of planes. To the point where I needed to be drugged for even flights that were less than an hour long.
3. I have a pet skunk named JagerBomb.
4. I was in an episode of JAG.
5. I am a former Busch (now Nationwide) Series Champion.
6. I went about three years without having any kind of committed relationship. Friendship or otherwise.
And now I tag... lets see.
chad_knaus, and..... whoever else wants to do it. I'm almost demanding the first three on that list fill that out. :-P
I promise I'll have a real update shortly!