For the first time ever, we're seein' it EYE TO EYE!!!!!

Jan 10, 2006 14:58

Ok, I'm pissed. My internet/laptop has decided to go screwy on me, so now instead of popping blockups I SEE 80 BAJILLION OF THEM! And Instead of having Bridgewater as my main site thingamabob, some advertising site is it. AND IT'S RETARDED!!!!!!

Ok, now that that's over with, I think I'll move on.

I was at Feehan the other day picking my sister up, and I kept seeing people that looked like people I went to high school with. And it made me realize that I miss it. Not Feehan, exactly, but... I don't know. I miss being able to go to school and know everybody, you know? It's weird knowing that in college you're going to school with thousands of other students. There's no way you can possibly get to know them all! The tight-knit feeling of belonging isn't there like it was in high school.

Also, it hit me the other day that all of my friends are leaving next week. And I'm kind of busy all week long. Like, on Friday I'm gonna be spending the day with the GT, but what about my other friends, you know? There are a ton of people that I wanted to see over break that I didn't get to see. It's kinda bumming me out... I mean, I'm not, like, depressed about it or anything. I just wish that I had made more of an effort to hang out with them, and vice versa.

In one week, I'm gonna be by myself again. Well, by myself and Mary and Georgia. But everybody else will be gone, and it will be back to online conversations all the time and stuff.

I miss my friends. Even when they're still home lol. I will say this though: I'm glad they're all doing so well in college. Even if I couldn't do it, it makes me happy to know that they can.

Good luck next semester guys!
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