Nov 26, 2005 13:16
I have to nights to update you on, so I’ll be logical for all your asses and start with the first one lol.
Wednesday night, Meghan Moyni and I made plans to watch the delightful “Lost” together, so after work, I proceeded to head towards her homestead. We watched the end of “America’s Next Top Model” (during this time, we also decided that if we were ever on that show, the two of us would be the final two, and the winner would be ME!) (Ok, so, maybe I only decided that, but details shmetails!)
Anyway, so the show ended, we watched the opening scene of Lost and then we BOOKED it downstairs. (“ANA LUCIA IS MEAN BECAUSE SHE WAS NEGLECTED AS A CHILD! NOW GO! GO!”) So, in the middle of the amazingness that is “Lost” we heard someone come leaping down the stairs! Looking up, we spot none other than Dithy herself! Hugs ensured, and we caught her up on what had happened so far on the show, and she caught us up on the peeps who had been at the football game (and the hottness of Ryan Smith… Oh Ryan Smith….)
After the show, we had a mini-jam session with Garou (I’m not a winner! Not a loser! JUST A GAMBLERRR!), which was amazing in and of itself. Sadly the time came when Dithy and I needed to go home, so Meredith departed, and Meghan dropped me off and all was good with the world.
Yesterday, at approximately 2:15pm, I arrived TRES early at Meghan’s house. We went shopping for stools (haha STOOLs) to pass the time, but it didn’t exactly work… We got to the movie theater at 3:15 for a 4:30 showing of “Rent.” Have no fear, boys and girls, we passed the time and had the best 40 minutes of our lives in that vehicle! What did we do? Why, we popped in O’Town’s CD of course! Dancing ensued, and oh the dancing… It was spectacular, if I do say so myself. Oh, and we discussed possibly sending a birthday dessert to Meredith while at Applebee’s, and I was excited!
Meredith arrived, and went to see if any others had shown up/if the movie was sold out. Meghan spotted Alyssa, so we jumped out of the car screaming her name and then we ran to her (it was all very magical and dramatic haha)! We joined Meredith, bought our tickets for the show, got text-rejected by Tish-Tash, and then went to watch the movie.
It was a-mazing. I loved it! I want to buy the soundtrack very much so lol.
After the movie, we joined up with Meg Ennes and headed over to Applebee’s. We decided that life would be so much more fun if it was a musical, and for the rest of the night we would randomly break into song haha.
Dinner was good, except for a little game of Telephone that I was very much excluded from. I was a little bitter (ALYSSA’S WORD!) at first, but then I got over it. However, I was once again bitter (plus a little joyous) when the birthday dessert that was supposed to be sent to Dithy was in fact sent to ME! Granted, this makes perfect sense seeing as how my birthday is on Monday, but that thought had never occurred to me because I am stupid.
ON TO HARRY! I was super excited for the 8:30 showing of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” aka THE BEST HARRY MOVIE EVERRRRR! The movie was so freakin’ good its redonkulous!
When the movie ended, we all departed to our respective vehicles and drove home. Still in Harry Mode, Meghan and I had a wonderful time listening to Jay Z & Linkin Park and rewriting it so that it fit with Harry’s situation. So many lyrics, all so fitting… I came to the conclusion that Meghan Moynihan is the best freestyler on the East Coast!
Sadly, however, I feel as though I may have lost a friend on this night… When we all left and hugged and everything, I didn’t get a hug from Alyssa… I know this was probably because she was mad at me for talking, but it still made me feel like crap… And so to Alyssa I say this: Harry + me + Meghan = talking! I really am sorry; I didn’t realize it would upset you as much as it did! If you knew I was going to talk (and let’s be honest, you knew haha we ALL knew!) then why did you sit next to me…? I love you Lysface, and I hate the thought that you might be mad at me for something as silly as talking during a movie…
Favorite quotes of the night:
Meghan M. - "If you're having killing problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems; Harry Potter is one - SPELL ME!"
Meredith - “Hey, we should go clubbing sometime!”
Me - “Ok, as long as you promise to leave the ‘g’ behind when we do.”
Meghan M. - "I would take Kingsley SEX-lebolt ANYday!"
Angry Man in the Audience - "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!"
Amos Diggory - "My boy! MY BOY!"
*If you think of any others, fellow GTers, post them in a comment! :)