My internship ended today. Whohoo but kinda bleh also. It's cool to sleep long but the job was so nice I'd have liked to continue there. But they kinda said they might call me if they need extra ppl. It'd be fantastic, hopefully many of them would have flu or something this autumn HEHE!:D
So. Now I just need to wait to get the credits and then fill some papers and then I'm going to graduate O M G. After 6 years of uni... I'm doing to be goddamned Magister Artium. But no worries, I applied for an internet course of information studies and got in. Going to study those atleast until next May.. Then another entrance exam and perhaps TAMPERE UNIVERSITY. *giggles*
At the moment I don't want to think about graduation party or anything like that. The idea of baking a cake/cookies/other stuff and trying to fit all the guests to our tiny flat just feels so stressful.-_- Maybe later, u guys.
Other notion is that holy hell, things are changing. Not only in my life but in other ppl's lives... And it changes me too! I've decided to keep out of the way and concentrate on my own things. I don't know how to put it in English but elämä kantaa, you know.
Happier note: we are travelling to Manchester on November! The boy wants to see ManUnited playing and I've agreed to come along to see the city and do some shopping (like you'd have to persuade me to travel ah ha ha!). Anyways,
this is our hotel in old town area! I'm excited to see the city and old Roman walls!:D It's only for one weekend but still! Subarashii!
Yep, that's about it.