Nov 05, 2006 18:23
I cannot begin to express how wrong I was about things in my life.
In forty eight hours, my entire life has changed.
On Friday after writing that last entry, I did just what I said I was going to do. I packed up everything and left home. I drove five hours with sixty dollars to my name. I didn't tell anyone, not even my brothers or sister. Everything went unnoticed until the next day.
I shut off my phone when my family started to call.
I left for multiple reasons.
1. I was completely miserable and going through a complete emotional breakdown.
2. I was hopeless on the idea of my parents accepting the lifestyle I wanted to lead.
3. I was tired of lying about Richie.
On the other end of things, my parents stayed up calling me all night. They were up until three in the morning, crying their eyes out. They drove to Baton Rouge to find me because they were sincerely afraid that I had been kidnapped or something.
I wouldn't return their phone calls, especially when Richard started recieving calls on his cell. For those of you who don't know, I am banned from Richie. I thought my parents would never let me see any of my friends ever again if I even so much as entertained a phone call.
Finally, after urging from all of my friends, I called my mom. Also, my dad sent me countless text messages, asking me my bank account number so that he could wire me money. It made me feel awful that it was so nice. so... I met my parents for breakfast
During this conversation they told me several things, but the two most important things:
1. They were encouraging me to go to Aveda for school next semester, since that's what I want to do.
2. Richie is allowed to see me again.
I was afraid that going back to The Woodlands would hurt Richie very much...but he's very supportive, especially since he isn't cut off from seeing me anymore. Had my parents not offered me these two options, I would've stayed in Baton Rouge.
It just goes to show no matter how bad a situation can seem, it's all going to be ok in the end. And, I can't ever shake that feeling.
Thank you everyone who put up with my bullshit over the past few days.