Big story, enough of one that I'm actually updating my Livejournal.
Line for the evening: "Mother fucker gonna lay his hands on a hundred-twenty pound girl, well, I've got half a ton coming to whoop his ass."
On Saturday against my better judgement, I let my sister have a party while my parents were away. I displaced memories of her last engagement in which a drunk sixteen year old tried to punch my brother's incredibly sober best friend in the face as he indiscriminantly told him to get the fuck out of Justin's bed with another girl. This is the same sixteen year old that ripped the frame of a door right out of the wall, had fifteen witnesses to the crime, and still did not tell anyone who owned the home. You can imagine what kind of crowd Loran's booze fests attract.
I return home to some boy feeling on my drunk sister. At first I was really rather calm about the whole situation. I politely asked him to remove his hands from my little sister's body. Aside from it being really disgusting that I'd have to watch my sister practically be finger banged by a dude in public on the couch, I found it to be incredibly disrespectful to my authority over the household. His response was, "Oh, you've met me. You know me." I responded, "Kid, even if I had met you and remembered the event, I don't know you. And, I still wouldn't want you putting your hands on my little sister...especially in public. Now, seriously, take your hands off of her." Then, I turned to my sister and said, "Loran, stop being a slut. I'm serious." Apparently, they were boyfriend and girlfriend for a short period, so short that I didn't even remember his name or face.
I go outside for a quick cigarette break. I return to find my sister and this boy missing. I tell her guy friends to go seperate them because I know if I have to do it, I would murder someone. As I'm brewing downstairs, these boys are having a talk. They gave the boy in question fair warning of the wrath I would instill if my patience was to be tested, what actually made for perfect foreshadowing for the night's affairs.
After not seeing Loran return downstairs, I find that he had retreated back into the room. He apparently grabbed her by the arm and said, "We need to talk." That's when I lost it. I grabbed an empty High Life bottle, ran upstairs, screaming, "I'm going to fucking break his head in." That was mostly for scare, but I did actually consider it upon first entering my sister's room as she drunkenly stumbled out of her room. She was giggling at me and saying, "Oh, I'm not that drunk," after she'd just downed five shots of Sauza tequilla that she got from God knows where. That's not the worst because I walked into a half naked boy. (Beside the point he was ugly.) ---Please also note, he was completely sober.
I even calmed down considerably more than I should've. I quietly closed the door behind me. I began with the words, "We need to have a little chat, son. You know when you fuck drunk girls, that's ..." He cut me off with the words, "Don't give me that. I don't want to hear it." I flipped. There was no turning back. Not only had he already disrespected me by his act of disobedience, he was blatantly doing it to my face. I screamed, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE." The response to this as I escorted him down the stairs was him, screaming at me that I was a "dumb cunt bitch" for making a scene out of this. He kept asking me why I had to "go and do that like that." In the heat of the moment, I gave him a final nudge out of my home right after I screamed, "If you ever come back to this fucking house, I will have you shot in the fucking face." He turned, grabbed me by the wrist, and tried to toss me across my house.
It was on. I called Skyler because I figured Richie hadn't gotten off work yet. I was on the verge of tears because I was so angry. I half described the issue at hand, and I heard him yell to everyone in the room to jump in the car. Two minutes later Richie calls me back. I even gave him a little less than half the story in which he decided that getting over to my house was necessary. There were five guys on the way to come to my rescue.
The kid hadn't left yet because his ride was with another person getting food. I had to stall somehow for the boys. I waited a few moments to collect my cool a little bit before venturing out into turmoil. I took a deep breath, thudded outside, paced a little, and then brought it on to this boy in what I had timed as the boys being five minutes away. Still stalling, I approached the kid and said, "Look, you're not leaving this house until you give me your mother's phone number. I'm going to have a discussion about you date raping drunk girls with her in the morning." Incidentally, this made him angry. He started screaming, "You dumb fucking bitch, all we did is kiss. We just kissed. YOU CAN GET MY SEMEN FUCKING TESTED, BITCH." If I hadn't known any better, I'd have to had said that this kid had fifty words in his vocabulary and twenty seven of those words would account for the word "Bitch."
His friend returns. I'm still stalling. I stand in front of the kid's door and say, "You are absolutely not leaving until you give me your mother's number." Right then, Richie calls to ask me if he is still in the driveway. I continue to repeat the phone number thing to the kid as I'm holding the phone with Richie. As the kid picks up on the fact that there are people coming to kick the shit out of him, he throws me onto the concrete driveway, holds me there for a second, jumps in the car, and has his friend try to pull away. Despite the pain in my side, I spring up, grab on to the blue Jetta, and start trying to bash the window in. The driver stopped the car as he realized that I wasn't letting go. He attempts to calm me down, but I am beyond that at this point.
Now Arriving: Skeet, Richie, Ragusa, Trox, and Brian
It's just then that Skyler pulls some Tokyo drift move into my driveway. I will never forget that angry look on Ragusa's face because I'd never actually seen him in serious mode in all the time that we have been such close friends. Brian grabbed a sobbing me. When these kids saw five kids ready to kick the shit out them, they bolted through the neighbor's yard. For some reason Richie thought he too could break the windows in of this Jetta as he ran with the car. These kids managed to get away.
I was still upset. & Brittnie had to hold me as I cried about everything.
It's funny how things work out though. The next day every single one of us (minus Trox) spotted these same two kids in the mall. Long story short, Richie sat by the kid in Music Theory his senior year. He found him to be a standup guy that made a mistake. He said, "The only reason I'm letting you walk away today is because I know the guy you are, but if I ever hear of you coming around either of the Termine girls again, you won't be so lucky.".
The Results Recorded in Injury:
What did I learn?
Those Jetta commercials are fo' serious.