May 31, 2006 00:52
I returned from The Woodlands a few hours ago. More on the gma story later.
I scheduled my classes at Montgomery College today. People call it MC. It reminds me of rappers. Whatevvvvvv, nig.
DRAM 1310 Intro to Drama TTH 2:30 PM 3:50 PM E. Ketchum
MATH 0310 Inter Algebra TTH 10:00 AM 11:20 AM Y. Stalling
ENGL 1301 Comp & Rhetoric I MW 1:00 PM 2:20 PM L. Hughes
HIST 1302 US History Since 1877 MWF 10:00 AM 10:53 AM C. Livingston
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking MWF 12:00 PM 12:53 PM A. Fuller
Fifteen hours hollllaaaa.
Their school paper is the equivalent to Redemptorist's...except they get it printed on that paper that makes it look like a real newspaper. I plan on contributing despite this fact. But, seriously, I can write better stories than these people even under the influence of illicit substances (and, no, that does not make me a better anything at allllllll, people. It shouldn't make you either, you lying sack of shit.)
Strep is eating me alive!! Make it go away.
the woodlands,