Feb 04, 2010 20:29
OH M G. I can't believe it's just about 1 year since I've last blogged here. And it's sooo funny to see what I even wrote for my last entry. I gone so much farther now in school.
So, I guess I'll make a quick recap of the year.
I worked. I went to school. I stressed out a lot about school, work and money. And still doing pretty much the same thing.
I am in Term 3 of 4 now in school. Term 3 ends end of March. It's amazing, Term I there were 45 of us in class, now ending Term 3, there are only 15 of us now. I wonder how many of will actually graduate together, so many people has dropped out, transferred out, and went on medical leave cuz they're having babies. geez. We just had a test today, last test for Immune System, and i got a 92%. so i think it will be 89% for Immune System.
I kinda wished I remember about Livejournal before, cuz Term 3 Theory has been INCREDIBLY BORING. My instructor reads straight from the power points. I dont ever know what she's talking about. And when it comes to test time, I teach myself what's going to be on the test cuz she doesn't teach me anything. I hate test times even more now, because I'm extra nervous that I didn't teach myself everything I need to learn. So during class it's been facebook for all of us. I don't farmville, and I've finally remember LJs. So I'll prob blog when I'm in class. Although it is sad to see not too many people update anymore either. It's all about the Twitter, since it's shorter, quicker, and a lot more convenient. Been on Neopets-yes it's very kiddy but i love the mini games on there, but even that gets boring.
I've had a very busy year, and now, I'm not so busy anymore. Helen Price died (she was the elderly woman I was taking care of on the weekends for the past 1 1/2 yr.) So I no longer have a weekend job, it's been really hard on money. But at least I'm paying my bills I guess.
Steve and I are doing great. Same ol' same ol'. no drama. we've been happy. We have 3 cats now. Wesker, Deekins & Ebin. Ebin is our "problem child" he's not neutered yet, and claiming his territory on every piece of cloth in the room. He's been on isolation...hopefully we can get him neutered by this week.
As far as dram is concerned, I seem to be surrounded by people creating drama. At least I'm not part of it. My life is pretty boring now, so I guess it keeps my sanity to think of something else, someone else's problem & not mine. It's really just strictly school and work for me.
School will be finished this October. So hopefully i can get my LVN job soon, get more money and try to get a place of our own (steve & mine).
well, i don't really much more to say...and i still have another hour left in class at least. I guess I'll have to find something else to kill this hr.