May 25, 2013 23:50
Ugh I've been so so sick. I think I'm getting better now. I'm at least well enough to feel like going online again instead of just hiding in bed all day waiting for death.
I've been wanting to read some really good, long, satisfying J2 fic lately. I used to be super into J2, but then I kind of gravitated more towards wincest over the years. But right now I'm just really wishing for some epic, well-written, slow burn kind of J2 that I can just curl up on the couch with some coffee and read for a few hours. I need some stress relief, life is hectic right now.
I keep remembering that Jensen and Danneel are going to have their baby soon and every time I think about it I just want to kind of flail around and squeal and have fits because omg, they are going to be such amazing parents. They are going to fall so so in love with their little girl and she's going to be so beautiful and they are going to be so happy. Seriously I could spontaneously combust with how giddy the thought makes me.
On a random note, my daughter is obsessed with watching Dragon Tales (a kids show that was on in the early 2000s I believe, now it's on Netflix) and I was super bored and IMDBed it. Apparently Ty Olsson was the voice of one of the characters?! So strange, and now all I can think of is 'OMG you're Benny' whenever his character is on.
Ok, off to hunt for fic and take more cold medicine.