Party Bubbles

Feb 20, 2012 16:26

Body image. I find it confusing. If you're comfortable with how you look, and it's not going to make you unwell, then great. If you're not comfortable with how you look, and changing the way you look isn't going to make you unwell, also great.

Personally I feel very overweight at the moment. I'm no where near as defined as I feel comfortable with, my waist is to big and my arms are to small. This isn't just a vanity thing. It's a simple fact that when I'm in shape I find doing 'stuff' much easier. From walking upstairs or carrying a box to making the bed; EVERYTHING is easier when I'm in better shape. It's a sad fact that I work out mostly because I'm lazy.

When I was feeling like this back in the days of yore, when I was sick and crazy and couldn't go for runs to trim down, I joined a weight group for people who were - like me - not as mentally fit as they might hope. I lost weight while I was there and I enjoyed the eating tips I was getting. I lasted a whole three weeks. Why? Because the others in the group didn't consider me fat enough. And that's tough. I clearly was unhappy with my physical appearance and wanted to do something about it but, because I wasn't as overweight as the others in the group, I was seen as someone moaning about nothing.

This is something I contune to feel. I have low self asteem and an even lower body image. I don't really like how I look. If I voice concern about my appearance it's not because I want you to buck up my confidence with a complement - I'd probably not believe you anyway - it's because I'm just speaking out loud. I don't mind so much, as I know I can lose weight by running and get bigger arms by doing pushups. But if I'm talking to you about it, it's because I feel pretty crappy and I'm just reaffering to myself that I'm taking positive steps to improving things.

By the way, I think that this is a *good* thing. If I were happy to be overweight then I wouldn't exercise, which I'm pretty sure I've read some place is bad for you. I quite like having a good quality of life, and health and fitness is essential to that.
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