******the basics******
Name: Jenny
Birthday: 15th June
Location: Billog
Where else have u lived: God Everywhere heh heh
School/mascot/colors: Northfield School - Black and white n maroon tie
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Shoe size: 7
Height: 5 foot 3
Pets: Non
Siblings: Yes
Older Sis: No
Younger Sis: Yes
Eye color: Blue/green
Hair color: Black/Blue at the moment ... debating whether to go pink
Hair length: Short
Ever dyed ur hair?: ermmmmm ^^^
What color?: Black , Blue , Purple , red , blonde
Grade: I'm in year 10 (i htink thats grade 10 i'm not sure)
Are u good in school?: heh heh *giggles*
hobbies: Talking to friends...playing my bass...listening to music...going to gigs ...etc
Nicknames: 'GOFFY' (chavs) Girlie and Jen
Do you play sports? Yeah
Where were you born? Birmingham
Are you a night or a morning person? Night ;)
Are you ticklish? yuh huh definatly
Do you have any other screen names?:
little_hobbit156@hotmail.comDo you have braces?: No
Do you have glasses/ contacts?: Yes never wear them though
!!!!!!getting personal!!!!!!
What do you want to be when you grow up? A porn star :P joking! I just want to be alive
What was the worst day of your life? Losing Ben my old best friend
What is your most embarrassing story? Heh Heh *laughs to self* I'm not telling just yet
What has been the best day of your life? When I started going out with Simon (he helped me thru alot)
If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? Brody Dalle's Shower heh heh
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? ermmmmmm...I usually worry about boy and what he's gonna do to me
Movie: Queen of the damned or titanic (depending on mood)
Song: at the moment its Shout 2000 by The Disturbed
Band/group: Nirvana , Disturbed, Slipknot, Static x , Sevendust etc
Store: Kinda Magic
Relative: My cousin Jonathon and my nan
Sport: Trampolining
Vacation spot: Berwick
Ice cream flavor: Cherry
Fruit: Strawberries
Candy: Millions
Car: Black Beetles
Class: Art
Day of the week: Saturday
Color: Pink , Black , Red
Magazine: Kerrang
Name for a girl: god its thee name of the girl I love so not telling
Name for a boy: James or Joe (the people I hold most close to my heart at this moment in time oh and Simon but I don't really like his name :P)
Sports team: Leeds United
month: August (NO SCHOOL)
Man athlete: dunno
Female athlete: Tanni Grey-Thompson
Actress: Kate Winslet
Actor: Stuart Townsend
Tv show: Desperate Housewives
Web site:
www.livejournal.com or
www.freewebs.com/blackheartsbleeding OR
www.getannoyed.com Animal: Bat
Word: Fuck
Brand of shoes: Converse
Radio station: Virgin
Room in your house: My room
Concert you have been to: COBAIN (the best gig ever..well that I've been to)
Cd: oh god ermmmm I really like Snow Patrol's Final Straw at the moment
Pizza topping: Cheeese
State: Florida (miami)
City: Leeds or York
Sound: Simons voice (tis comforting)
Taste: hmmmm *winks*
Feeling: Love
College: Bede
Number: 15
Book: Guitar Girl
^^^^^^in the past 24 hours have you^^^^^^
Had a serious talk? Yes
Hugged someone? Yes
Fought with a friend? yes
Cried? Yes
Laughed? yes
Made someone laugh? yes (I just hugged them and they laughed)
Bought something? Yes
Cut your hair? Yes
Felt stupid? Yes just now ... little kid just asked something heh heh abvout Birds n Bees
have you ever
Eaten an entire box of oreos? Yes
Hiked a mountain? Yes
Seen the white house? No
Seen the eiffel tower? Yes
Played monopoly? Yes
Seen titanic? Yes
Kissed someone?Yes
Jumped on a trampoline? hmm no its just my favourite sport (sarcasm)
Had a bubble bath?Yes
Been on a plane? Yes
Been on a boat? Yes
Been on a train? Yes
Been in a car accident? Yes :(
Ridden an elephant? No
Made a web page? Yes
Played with barbies? Yes (i cut their hair off)
Stayed up all night? Yes
Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? Heh Heh *innocent smile and whistle*
Broken a bone?Yes
Been afraid of the dark? Yes (still am lol)
Had stitches?Yes
~~~~~~do you~~~~~~
Like to give hugs? Yes
Like to walk in the rain?Yes
Prefer black or blue pens? Black
Like to travel? Yes
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? Side
Have a goldfish? I did
Ever have the falling dream? a lot
Have stuffed animals? Yes too many
Do you belive in the horoscopes:No
Do you like your handwriting: Yes
Do you have any piercing: Yes
Any tattoos: I wish!
If so where: i want one on my shoulder, ankle and well wheverever lol
Do you own a miniskirt: Yes
Ever worn black nail polish: Yes i usually do
Do you like little kids: No
Ever seen a ghost: Yes
How about an alien: well the guy next to me is pretty alien like
what do you think when you hear this name:
Leah: *shudders* i hate her
Megan: Attentions Seeker
Brandon: whoooooo
Christina: Stupid fucking little singer who cant fucking sing...slut
Angela: ermmm
Courtney: Love's a bitch
Jeff: Wallby
Mike: Weeks (i love yeh mike ...though not like that)
*~*~which way would you spell it~*~*
Megan or meghan: Megan
Lacey or Lacy: Lacey
Steven or stephen: Steven
Kurt or Curt: Kurt (obviously)
Caryn or karen: Karen
Mark or Marc: Marc
Brandi or Brandy: Brandi
Eric or Erik: Erik sounds rockyier
Corrine or Carine: ermm I dunno
Kari or carrie: Carrie
Jackie or jackqui:Jackie
Deseray or desirae: WHAT NOW?
Jayde or jade: Jayde is kinda canny
Amy or aimee: Amy
Bradi or brady: Brady
Chelsea or chelsey:Chelsea (what a chav name)
Katelyn or kaitlyn: Katelyn is easyer
Ashley or ashleigh: Ashley (again easier)
Geoffrey or jeffrey: Jeff ?
&&&&this or that&&&&
Pierced nose or tongue? Tongue (shexy)
Be serious or funny? Depends
Sugar or salt? Salt popcorn
Silver or gold? Silver
Tongue or belly button ring? Tongue
Chocolate or flowers? Chocolate
Rap or rock? ROCK
Diamond or ruby? Diamond
Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla
Kids or not? Not
Cat or dog? Cat
Half empty or half full? Half Empty
Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
Candy or soda? Candy
Pepsi or coke? Coke
Nike or Adidas? None they are chav makes...i like Converse heh heh