Apr 04, 2012 10:12
Every time I watch New Girl I feel like I have to post about how cute and funny and heartwarming it is. When I'm watching it I am literally gushing out loud to an empty room "Oh, my GOD I love this show! Why is it so god damn cute and PERFECT?! Why isn't EVERYBODY watching it?!" Nick/Jess is adorable, Shmidt/Cece is adorable, Winston is adorable. I LOVE EVERYONE ON THIS SHOW AND WATCHING IT FEELS LIKE BEING A PART OF A GROUP CUDDLE WITH THE CHARACTERS! If watching this show doesn't make you SO FREAKING HAPPY, I don't know what's wrong with you. Seriously, WATCH IT! Can "six seasons and a movie" be a pan-fandom thing? Because, seriously: six seasons and a movie! For gods sake, I feel like a six year old playing with bubbles right now and that's how I feel after EVERY EPISODE!
new girl,