Jun 04, 2006 20:37
So as much as I've ignored this journal, and really only updated like 3 nice entries over the past year, I thought I might write something.. What? I duno. I'm just gonna go, and we'll see what happens.
Wow. A whole year. I can't really even begin to describe it all, can I? I guess I could try. Overall, it's been great. There's been a lot of ups and downs and ups and downs, but for the most part, I really shouldn't complain. I just need to try to help myself remember to always put things into perspective.. and just try to be happier overall. That's one thing that I learned this year that I think has really helped me lead an overall happy life. I spent so much time stressing and worrying about things that, while important and definitely stressful, don't necessarily make my life a shithole. There's a lot of people in this world who are a lot worse off than I am. I'm young, healthy, in school, in America.. I am fortunate to be able to live a comfortable life. I don't have to worry about dying from starvation, about being killed on the street for speaking how I feel, about being able to have fresh water, about where I'm going to sleep at night, about how I'm going to be able to make ends meet this month. I didn't have to deal with a huge natural disaster that destroyed all of my belongings. I don't have to be concerned that a bomb will explode on the streets; Bellingham is no battlefield. And as I type this, the cheesier it sounds, but really, I think everyone, regardless of their situation could help themselves feel a little better by watching their own perspective; by taking into account what's happening to them, even the positive, compared to the 6 billion other people on this planet.
Ok. I guess enough of the motivational stuff. I guess I'll just kinda tell my current life situation and plans, and if you have any questions about how I got there, I can fill you in. I have finals until Wednesday night this week.. Then my sophomore year of college is over! crazy! In case you aren't in the know, I'll be applying to my major this summer. Community Health is my decision, and I'm pretty sure I'm sticking to it this time.. I'm actually pretty excited about it. Not sure exactly what I'll do after I graduate. Get a job in some sort of community and health related field. We'll see.. I'll graduate it's looking like Fall of 08, so only a quarter behind because of my internship. not bad! Then I plan on moving to Seattle to find work. Not a suburb, I can't do that. Job-wise: I'm working at Quiznos right now, and am doing the Orientation advising thing again, this time as lead orientation advisor. and then at the end of the summer, I'll start on with New Student Services again, but as a Student Coordinator of Training and Development, which'll take me til I graduate, basically! I'm pretty pumped. I'm taking a class up here this summer and working at Quiznos until the orientation stuff starts, then start in the office 40 hours mid-august. then class'll start up again for the year from hell. I have some hard classes to take next year. boo. Boys? They've come and gone, each one leaving me feeling down about it, but in the long-run, it's just more experiences that have helped me mature, and will help prepare me for more healthy relationships, hopefully. It wouldn't hurt to find someone who I liked a lot who totally liked me a lot back, though..
I don't really know what else to say right now. I might start using this more, haven't really decided. We'll see how it works out. Sorry it's been so long. see you again soon?