Aug 11, 2005 19:42
Wouldn't life be perfect if sweatpants were sexy, monday mornings were fun, junk food didn't make you fat, girls didn't cause drama, guys weren't so confusing, you always had time to do what you wanted, nothing was regrettable and goodbye's only meant until tomorrow?
i called nicole last night at 11:30.....and we talked till 1:30 WOW AMAZING. Nicole, you seriously are one of the select people who can put everything into perspective for me and make the world make sense! Can't wait till you're back.
"Few friends are Forever"....I was watching something today and they said this on TV....and it made me so true. I used to think in high school that a lot of people liked me, and cared about me. and it isn't that people don't like me, or care about me anymore..its just that everyone has their new life now...including me...and i think that everyone just kinda likes today better than what we use to be. and thats fine...thats what it takes to grow up. I'm just glad I know of the few friends that will be you guys!
I'm tired of people under-estimating me. I think I am a lot tougher than most people think and damnit, I know I have enough strength and motivation to conquer whatever I put my mind to.....
Is it bad that everyone now that I meet, when they ask me my major they just automatically guess I'm an elementary major? Like seriously...everyone! its like..wait dont tell me, are you going into teaching? and then they tell me how i just look like an elementary teacher and they can tell I'm going to be a great one.....I'm guessing thats a GREAT thing...I'm glad I'll be good at what I'm going to do....regardless of how much I'll make
I know i say how much it sucks that I have to pay for everthing...but in the long run....maybe I will appreciate it more. I mean damnit it would be WONDERFUL if my parents payed for everything for me....but they just can't...and its fine. And I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone who doesnt pay for schooling or anything because damnit..i totally plan on paying for my kids college! I'm just proud to say that I GO TO IU BECAUSE OF ME! I wouldn't be able to be at IU if I didn;t work as much to support myself.....GO ME! :-)Its nice to know my hard work will pay off someday :-)
I'm so pumped for when everyone will be back. Summer wasn't that same as the school year.....and the school year is just absolutely amazing! its soooo close i can taste it!
so my life right now isn't not beautiful, dont have the great rich boyfriend who loves me, people dont treat me as good as they should, I am not a millionaire.....but I have an amazing family that would do anything for me, i'm breathing, and I still have a future full of opportunity. I'm hanging in there throughout this journey and there isnt a doubt on my mind that I wont make it out on top!
Thats bsaically it for now. I need to study for my math final tomorrow......and go to the library at 9 to meet maryann! 11:30 tomorrow..i will be the happiest girl alive :-D