Acts and Epilogues.... (wild topic swerve!)

Aug 31, 2009 21:27

Thanks, everyone, for putting up with my posts this month -- and my occasional lack of posts. I loved doing the LJ posting, but otherwise I am SO GLAD we're going into a new month. And I will strive to continue to post regularly!

soranokumo's and m_steelgrave's stories reminded me that I did participate in one haunted house in high school. This was shortly after the Empire Strikes Back came out! My friend Chris dressed up as Luke Skywalker, and I created my own Darth Vader costume out of fabric-backed vinyl and cardboard and cape cloth and the Darth Vader helmet I'd bought at Disney World that summer. We fought back and forth in one hall of the maze with black-light lightsabers. I lost 3 pounds that night, all of it in sweat. (Vinyl costume? What was I THINKING?)

The haunted house was set up in a school gynmnasium. When I stepped out at the end of the night, I took off the helmet and shook out my hair. Nearby, a littel five-year-old boy staaaaared up at me, then ran up and got my attention. "You know what?" he asked. I gave the right answer.

"No, what? Tell me."

"You know what? You're a girl!"

♥ Kids are classic. I could have slingshot him right into the weirdest fandoms ever, right then and there -- and he probably wouldn't remember how it all started.

And this was BEFORE Samus Aran. ... ... ...W00t!

The epilogue to this is that I was searching the intarwebs for my friend Chris -- she moved away and I heard from her once, ten years later, but only that once. This time I found her!

She's online as a new age feel-good, self-help guru. What the... huh... kinda cool ... ... ...GO LUKE! :D

I found myself thinking about another long-lost friend and googled his name. This time the answer wasn't as fun. He was convicted last year of child pr0n -- owning 130 or so images of children that are described in the conviction in the most damning of terms.

Well, shit. I was stunned. HIM?!?

Except -- my friend is a furry artist. And he's always drawn explicit pictures, including B/D and so forth. Nowhere in the conviction does it say "photographs". It only says "images". And in both fanart and furry art, images of minors are frequently seen. I mean: Doujinshi. Mo. FFVII. Cloud... 'nuff said.

Now I'm sick at heart and confused. Was my friend: a) truly sick, b) possessed of truly horrible judgment, or c) just doing what many of the furry/fandom/yowie/H communities do and got five years for being caught with a bunch of explicit cartoon pictures that look to the prosecutors like children (fantasy and furry) on his computer?

There is no way to know. And it could have happened any of those ways. Crap.

challenge, wtf wtf wtf, acting, friends

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