Dec 12, 2008 00:31
I haven't slept well this entire week. I have to spend another long day at the office tomorrow, neck deep in giving a makeup final, followed by a rather intense meeting that I'd rather not attend. Alack.
Well, at least Dalek is sleeping. Not just sleeping, actually, but stretched out and snoring!
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He is mah kitteh:
His name was Derek when we adopted him from my boyfriend's coworker's uncle (if you can parse that relationship!!), but I've got two friends with that name, so it had to be changed. Dalek was a convenient appellation :)
Oh, man, your dog Cassie is BEAUTIFUL! Is she a pit? (I'm really terrible at identifying breeds that aren't immediately recognizable from cartoons!)
My Doberman Max (oh, the creativity and originality of ten year olds!) was a rescue, too. No one would take the poor dear because of his breed. Seriously, he was the sweetest, most gentle dog I've ever met.
Quite all right. It was fairly recent and we still slip frequently, too.
Cassie's problems were just owner stupidity. The woman that owned her mother couldn't be bothered with puppies and forced them all to be placed at four weeks. (argh) Then one of the SIL's (the nutty one I recently ranted about) had her and just is dog-clueless, so we took her at 9 months and had a LOT of behavioral garbage to fix.
I love Dobie's. The parents of one of my high school girlfriends had 2 while we were growing up. Now they have Rotties. :D
My boyfriend's dad had a ZOMGGIANT rott until about a year ago. I was so scared of that beast! They kept telling me that he was a nice and wonderful dog, but I was afraid of dogs until we got Max, and Huxley brought out the terrified twos in me all over again.
The neighbors that have the Rotts adore my son and the first time he saw the dogs at Halloween a few years ago, they couldn't believe he just walked in, got on the floor and fearlessly played with them like he would ANY friendly dog. When they mentioned it, I told them I had taught him to respect all dogs, not to fear any, regardless of breed.
Awwww, I bet that was adorable!! I was afraid of all dogs after I got knocked over when I was a toddler (or so my parents tell me). I don't think my negative reaction to Huxley was because of his breed (since, well, we had a Doberman), but rather just because of his size.
I feel pretty bad about being afraid of any dog, really. Makes me a bad!vegan :(
Sorry. The topic gets me all riled up. I know I'm a bit overzealous about it!
There are rare cases for tail docking - like the mastiffs, etc - but only because they're so strong and have such a high pain tolerance that it isn't uncommon for them to beat their tails against walls, etc until it's a bloody, painful pulp (I've seen it done), but otherwise? With the smaller dogs like Dobies? It's all cosmetic, especially the ears and pisses me off no end (that's right up there with declawing cattens).
Declawing teh kittehz is sad. It makes me really sad when they've got all four paws clipped and can't even scratch their ears :(
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