Jul 26, 2008 23:39
We're in Kempton for the annual muzzleloading festival. Imet with my scrimshander mentor/Yoda and showed him pics of the work i've done so far especially thr video of the treasure map horn. He was extremely encouragingand very positive about mt efforts thus far. If only i could bottle his words and take small doses whenever i need a lift! I'M SO HAPPY THAT A WORLD CLASS MASTER THINKS MY WORK IS GOOD. = ONLY WISH IT COULD ERASE MY FATHER'S VOICE IN MY HEAD TELLING ME THAT MY ART IS WORTHLESS AND ARTISTS LIKE ME ARE A DIME A DOZEN. My friend Bob has literally taken me under his masterful wing and is teaching me to believe that the skills intrusted into my hands are not bad. I AM SO VERY HAPPY TODAY. THERE IS JOY IN ME FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A VERY VERY LONG TIME. yeah! I AM AN ARTIST. fuck you dad!