Oct 06, 2008 20:39
This is just going to be a quick update b/c I'm exhaaaaausted. And b/c I have to play with Indy to tucker her out so she lets me sleep through the night, tee hee.
Let's see here...I'm moving in with Kelli and Jon as soon as possible so Kelli can quit her job and stay home with Sam. I'm hoping that no later than December I'll be settled in with them. Indy will be living in a special house in the garage that dad's going to build for her. And I get to see my Peanut every day!!! I'm super excited about this! I'll get into more details if necessary later, but that's what's important now.
I worked CRAZY hours at Petco this week. I worked Tuesday and then Thursday-Sunday. It will be a nice check, but dear Lord am I tired, lol. I'm staying at Nick and Christine's each Wednesday this month b/c Nick will be working in London and Christine is in a show right now, and they couldn't find anyone but me to help out this month. It's no big deal, the boys are super fun and really good kids, so it's not like it's a hard job.
Everyone I know keeps telling me I need a b/f, so I just look at them like they're craaaaazy b/c I don't have time for myself, let alone anyone else! Carlos keeps my ego high though, he either flirts with me himself or tells me other guys are, lol. It's nice have Carlos around. ;-)
Okay, that's enough for now. I'm off to get my baby girl super tired so I can sleep! Toodles! :-D