New Addiction: Sexy Zone

Apr 03, 2019 18:23

I just recently got interested to Arashi's junior: Sexy Zone.

The first time I saw them was when they became a guest at VS Arashi, and my first impression was: ewww.... what's with all of the "sexy this" and "sexy that" ^^!
Sorry, but that was just too much. But just as everyone else in the studio, I got used to it by the end of the show. I didn't really pay attention to them at that time. Also when they appeared in Arashi ni Shiyagare. I always thought Kento (the one who has fabulous fan service among all JE idols, I guess), was the center.

However, one day my Youtube feed show a video of one Sexy Zone Channel episode, the one where they do physical test. It occurred to me that Sato Shori is the center and wow! What a face! He looks almost PERFECT. And it was confirmed during The Yakai where they test people's face ikemen level  using AI based on 5000 data. Sato Shori scored 94!!! Ninety freaking four! He was THIS close to having a perfect ikemen face! (Sho scored 87 tho, so still in the ikemen level, nevertheless Sho is impeccable in his own way).  
I also found out that he was once the athletic club president(?), and that he once finished a running competition in 42 minutes. Wow...
I love idols who master other activities other than idol-ing.

When you're looking this good even without editorial touch, then you ARE good looking.

After that I just keep looking for Sexy Zone videos on Youtube. I learned that now they are four instead of five. It's a pity Sou had to go, he's funny and in my personal opinion, placed second in terms of ikemen face in the group. I mean, just look at that jaw line.

he's grown into a fine young man, don't you think?

So, to sum things up, anyone knows any good Sexy Zone community to join? :)

PS: I really want to talk about Arashi's future hiatus but maybe later when I have the luxury time to write again. *sigh

sexy zone

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