Apr 25, 2009 12:22

My first ever post in LJ!!!
and it's because I'm bored. I tell ya, this easter holiday is waaaaay too long and with exam coming after that, it's just getting worse. I wouldn't even call it a holiday.
See, this is would probably the last exam I'd ever have to take, and I want to make it good. Coz, well, I don't have any other chance. Having said that, I book study room in the library almost every day. The reason is, that's the only way I can start studying. If I stay at home, I can guarantee I will not study. Why?

One word. ARASHI.

If I stay at home, other than doing normal activities human being would do at home (eating, showering, sleeping), I would spend my time watching Arashi shows. And when I start to watch those, I couldn't stop. period. That's why, booking study room at the library is just the perfect solution.

But now, I'm totally bored!! I spent like 3 - 4 hours a day in this tiny room, studying and studying until my back and shoulders (literally) hurts.
I think I need to stop for a while, lay back and enjoy my Arashi for a day or two.
Gosh! I'm so beaten up with these materials!!! Why do exam exists??!!!

Okay then, that's it for the first post. I guess I will be writing more in the future.

drablle, school, me

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